P.U.L.S.E©: The Love Connection That Unifies & Sustains A Healthy Lifestyle With Purpose


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Research Objectives:

The search for holistic/lifestyle medicine practitioners that provide equitable, customized, individualized quality care to meet patients’ needs is in demand. Making A Difference Because You Matter, believes the healthcare system’s sustainability (economically, environmentally, and socially) begins with “taking your pulse” in three different ways. Through using a holistic and bioenergetic model with evidencebased, groundbreaking tools to help clients get to the root of their challenges and live healthy lifestyles with purpose.



Pulse, Healthy lifestyle, Mental health, Healthcare.



Dana Bagnall is the Founder and CEO of Making A Difference Because You Matter, LLC. She is a Certified Holistic Health & Wellness Coach, Neuro-Linguistic Practitioner, Bioenergetic Health Practitioner, and International Keynote Speaker. Dana is the Author of “Soulful Wellness Journey – Live Life Abundantly: A Collection of Soul Food Recipes Plant Based & Gluten-free,” which includes a curated collection of wellness tips, nutritional charts, recipes, and a playlist of soulful sounds. She has partnered with top Fortune 100 financial organizations, leading national healthcare associations, and women business owners to educate them on how health impacts women’s wealth and the practical steps needed to become proactive– resulting in a citywide focus on this timely issue. Dana is passionate about helping women over 40, and their loved ones heal from the inside out to release pain, stress, fatigue, trauma, depression, and anxiety, while energetically mastering their well-being so they can live more abundantly. She has facilitated the mentoring of college students who have experienced disadvantages and helped to bring success in their advancement academically, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Dana continues to bring her expertise in counselling and advising with the public and private sectors to the services offered in her health and wellness academy.



Globally, healthcare systems and individuals are collectively looking for a way to unify and sustain a healthy lifestyle with purpose after the COVID-19 pandemic. Physicians and practitioners are exhausted, frustrated, and overwhelmed to meet the care of patients, administrative duties of E.H.R. coding notes, and patient satisfaction surveys. Patients feel healthcare puts profit before the people, and they are not being heard nor getting enough time to meet their needs during doctor visits. Consequently, studies show that physicians and practitioners feel depressed and anxious. The departure from the healthcare system to provide higher-quality care or pursue something else is rising. The search for holistic/lifestyle medicine practitioners that provide equitable, customized, individualized quality care to meet patients’ needs is in demand. Making A Difference Because You Matter believes the healthcare system’s sustainability (economically, environmentally, and socially) begins with “taking your pulse” in three different ways. A roadmap to implement a holistic and bioenergetic model with evidence based, groundbreaking tools to help clients get to the root of their challenges and live healthy lifestyles with purpose is vital. Recommended therapies focus on awakening and understanding what triggers are causing dis-ease in their lives (spiritually, emotionally, physically, environmentally, nutritiously, etc.). Secondly, it involves correcting cellular information distortions. Lastly, it helps to cleanse and protect their well-being. This study helps people reach the root of their health challenges faster, lowers costs, and fosters qualitative care service between practitioners and clients. Lastly, it provides collaborative wraparound services with clients, the community, and health providers.



Hospital leaders are sounding the alarm as health systems face an exodus of exhausted and demoralized doctors, nurses, and other front-line workers (Levine, 2021). Prior to the pandemic, physicians were reported to be twice the risk for burnout compared to the general population. Additionally, 40% of those who were surveyed reported experiencing depression and suicidal ideation, per Dr. Victor Dzau (president of the National Academy of Medicine) (Levine, 2021). The consistent emotion physicians and patients are mainly experiencing post Covid 19 is stress, leading to increased burnout and trauma. Stress is a state of worry or mental tension caused by a difficult situation that all experience to some degree. A natural human response triggers us to address challenges and threats. There are three types of stress: daily, chronic, and acute. Daily stress is common, which is interwoven in our livelihoods. Stress is an overarching, physiological, psychological, environmental, and sociological effect impacting individuals, organizations, businesses, and systems’ overall health. Burnout is a psychological syndrome characterized by emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and a sense of reduced accomplishment in day-to-day work (Wood et al., 1998). Trauma can be overwhelming and pervasive due to exposure to a life threatening or emotionally disturbing event(s) that may impede one’s well-being (spiritually, emotionally, physically, socially, and mentally). This research aims to unify & sustain a healthy lifestyle with purpose using the P.U.L.S.E.© model.

Risk Factors of Stress that Lead to Burnout with Doctors

Stressors include time constraints to conduct physical examinations and preventive care for patients and follow- up appointments; feeling pressured to complete electronic health records (EHR) coding and paperwork daily; pressure to add on more examinations that a patient might not need; disconnect of quality service of care between healthcare administration and physicians/ practitioners, patients, and shareholders; feeling qualitative care, has now become quantitative care; and maintaining work-life balance.


Risk Factors of Stress that Lead to Burnout with Patients

Predominate stress factors impacting patients entail health and the cost of health care, financial hardship, interpersonal issues, discrimination, workplace stress, mass shootings, climate change, and loneliness, among many (Fryburg, 2021).

During the pandemic, many lost temporary or permanent connections with their jobs/businesses, homes, health, or loved ones. As a result, the desire to help people get unstuck, feel, be, and do better spiritually, emotionally, and physically was essential.



According to the American Institute of Stress, the National Institute of Health, the American Psychological Association, the Center for Disease and Control, and the World Health Organization, 75–90% of doctors visit are stress-related illnesses/diseases. Through experience and research, what is known, is what causes disease has the potential to fester and become an illness/disease if left untreated. At Making A Difference Because You Matter, LLC, we believe the roadmap to a unified and sustainable healthy lifestyle begins with our recommended therapy focus, “Taking Your Pulse.”

P.U.L.S.E.© model

Take Your Pulse©: Pulse is the rhythmic throbbing of an artery resulting from a heart beating typically measured in one minute. It is a vibration that causes a sound, or wave, that emits an electric current or light. Traditionally, taking someone’s pulse can be done by placing two fingers or a thumb on the wrist, below the jawline on the side of the neck, back of the knees, top of the foot, and groin areas. Within the last century, the work of Marey in Paris and Mahomed in London has helped to advance the sensing of clinical pulse waves in the medical field. By doing so, Mahomed was able to show how the “recordings could be used to detect asymptomatic hypertension and used them to chart the natural history of essential hypertension and to distinguish between this condition and chronic nephritis.” Since then, a new easy-to-use scanning tool NES BioenergetiX Wellness Scan (BWS) was created Harry Massey of NES Health to bioenergetically detect the condition of the Body-field. In Albert Einstein’s, well-known scientific equation E=MC^2, we recognize that matter is and relates to energy. Bioenergetics is the study of energy and living systems. It is the concept of Chinese medicine and acupuncture applied to physics. Peter Fraser (acupuncture professor, homeopath, and Traditional Chinese Medicine-TCM practitioner) was the first to properly map the energy of the human body-field and how energy (Intelligence) flows throughout the body. “The human body-field is an intelligent, self-organizing, self-correcting, self-maintaining energetic and informational structure that, says Fraser, functions at the level of QED [quantum electro-dynamic] and quantum holography.” (Massey, 2020)

In this particular study, the first step to take your pulse begins with becoming unified with the mind, body, and soul to honor you (matter) in Einstein’s most quoted equation. The focus in this step is to awaken.


Take Your Pulse©
  • What are your mind, body, and soul communicating to you? What does it need or want?
  • Awaken yourself by stopping, looking, and listening to your body to identify what stressors/painful symptoms are bothering you.
  • Complete a detailed health intake assessment. One assessment involves comprehensive evaluation to scan the body for less than a minute to get to the cellular root of health challenges using NES Health scanning software.



The second step involves clients to Practice Unlimited Love through Self Evaluation (P.U.L.S.E.©) to help correct distortions in the body-field so they become strengthened.

  • Express compassion to your body-field by understanding how your thinking and feeling, nutritional, environmental factors and so much more may affect your total energy and well-being – make you feel out of balance with the potential to manifest physical illnesses or emotional imbalances.
  • Take steps to clear the energetic blocks by feeding correct cellular information that has been distorted. A varied number of tools (i.e.; Pulse Electromagnetic Frequency – PEMF) or methods (i.e.; hypnotherapy, sound therapy, meditation, aromatherapy infoceuticals, NLP, yoga) may be used to help optimize clients’ well-being.


Eat Your Pulse©

The last major yet simplistic step with taking your pulse, is to eat your pulse. In this regard, pulse refers to vegetables & multi-grains that are naturally, genetically encoded with phytonutrients/phytochemical and fiber. A healthy, low fat plant-based diet can empower the immune system by strengthening it to help combat infections. Research shows, “Those eating plant-based diets have been found to have better insulin sensitivity, better blood sugar levels, better insulin levels, and even significantly improved function of their beta cells— the cells in the pancreas that produce insulin in the first place.” It can also help prevent it from being hyperactive or minimize pain if and when one may be impacted by illnesses to help:

  • prevent disease and keep your body working properly;
  • maintain a healthy body weight; eliminate excess cholesterol from the body;
  • maintain or lower blood pressure; reduces risk of colon cancer;
  • reduce constipation;
  • improve skin conditions.

Real-life Example-life example of the interconnection nature of the body-field and body’s functions:

Client A participated in a Pulse Wellness Scan with Making A Difference Because You Matter using an intake self-assessment and NES BioenergetiX Wellness Scan (BWS). Client presented herself well groomed with a full affect. She expressed feeling tired more than usual, disconnected with life yet rates herself as a seven on scale of happiness (0 not happy at all to 10 being most happy), bloated, recently more stressed than normal on a daily basis, new food allergies and noticing hair thinning and loss of hair. Client A shared her allopathic primary care doctor met with her for approximately ten minutes to share that she was prediabetic and recommended she begin exercising, reduce eating starchy foods, and return for a follow up appointment to determine if a statin drug was needed.



Results from the NES Health BioenergetiX Wellness scan on Client A showed distress with energy flow in the following organ biofields (see areas marked with purple bars): stomach, muscles, and pancreas.



The results from Client A wellness scan have provided opportunities for further discussion, investigation, and coaching to help strengthen her well-being. The holistic health coach gave no medical, biomedical, or psychological diagnosis to justify a quantitative analysis or replace appropriate medical tests or advice. However, Client A receives more intentional holistic healthcare services and screenings to address elevated basophil count and inflammation in the large intestines from osteopathic medicine instead of allopathic medicine. Additionally, she is receiving wellness consultations from our program to strengthen her immune system, improve her nutritional intake, reduce environmental stressors by doing a metal detox, engage in N.L.P. exercise to P.U.L.S.E.© and improve internal and external communication to release repressed and grasping emotions and strategize healthier career opportunities that do not include toxic molds and other pathogens daily. The holistic coach also referred Client A to a chiropractor to help unblock shocks and traumas stored in the muscles from car accidents. Lastly, Client A now recognizes that her hair loss is possibly related to stress, nutrient deficiencies, and toxic chemicals in her work and home environments. In contrast, Client A receives 45-60 minutes wellness sessions compared to the ten-minute visits with her previous allopathic doctor. It is unknown if Client A received more time with her allopathic doctor, that similar findings could have revealed she was still experiencing emotional and physical trauma from car accidents a couple of years ago, she is working in a toxic environment and has frequent exposure to harsh chemicals that cause her to feel exhausted with a lack of energy to engage socially and has placed a strain on her marital and social relationships.

Research has shown lifestyle medicine can help up to 80% of chronic diseases. From the biblical era to the present, taking the time to eat your pulse (vegetables & multi-grains) has shown significant improvements in health where some key markers ravaged human body-fields. “Apparently, most people who switch to a plant-based diet are happy they did. One of the reasons there’s been such great compliance with plantbased dietary interventions is that people not only tend to get measurably better, they also tend to feel much better.” (Gregor M, MD; Stone, G 2015)


Since the global pandemic and the past decades, numerous healthcare and mental health systems, practitioners, businesses, communities, patients, educational systems, and governments have recognized the need to revive, recalibrate and rejuvenate the broken healthcare system. Chronic health and noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), like heart disease, stroke, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes, are the leading cause of death in the world. The WHO reported, “The solutions are highly cost-effective. Comprehensive and integrated action at country level, led by governments, is the means to achieve success.” (World Health Organization, 2021) The roles of behavioral, nutritional, and psychosocial factors must not go unrecognized and unresolved with the impact it inflicts on human health and disease. The sustainability (economically, environmentally, and socially) of the healthcare system and the well-being of those they serve vitally begins with “taking your pulse; practicing unlimited love through self-evaluation, and eating your pulse.” Breakthrough to protect your energy to further enhance your transformational journey to overcome what may be apprehending you from walking fully in your purpose.Take steps to holistically break free from emotional and belief issues that no longer serve you so you can evolve, heal and live life more abundantly using proprietary, customized bioenergetics and health and wellness coaching programs.

These statements and reports support the need to focus on health– risk behaviors for primary prevention and routine screenings (energy, mind, body, environmental, nutrition, body field, energetic immunity, terrains, and life journey.) of individuals to optimize their health to live life more abundantly and energetically. This transformational step is the first step that helps lead to living life more abundantly. In conclusion, “P.U.L.S.E.©: the love connection that unifies and sustains a healthy lifestyle with purpose” is a recommended roadmap to implement holistic and bioenergetic models with evidence-based, groundbreaking tools that support clients to get to the root of their challenges so they can live healthy lifestyles with purpose.



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Dana Bagnall

Dana Bagnall

Founder and CEO,
Making A Difference Because You Matter, LLC

