Kirkpatrick’s Model Evaluation In Business English Training With The Humanistic Approach- An Overview

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Research Objectives

1. To assess Business Language Teaching and Learning with an optimum balancing.
2. To promote standard quality improvement in training delivery and its effective outcomes.



Training, Business, Quality, Assessment, Implementation



Dr. P. Prabhavathy is currently serving as an Associate Professor of English in the Department of Science and Humanities, KGiSL, Coimbatore -35, Tamil Nadu, India. She has authored technical textbooks, workbooks, reference books and contributed to articles, chapters, research papers etc., for publication in the international conferences, Journals, Magazines etc., She is a speaking cum Written Examiner of BULATS – ESOL Examinations, British Council, Cambridge Assessment and Evaluation, EBEK. Dr. Prabhavathy has been honoured with many awards and recently recognised as an AICTE certified UHV Mentor.



Kirkpatrick’s Model focuses mainly on five levels. All the five levels are interrelated with one another and the purpose of this model is framed for the evaluations in Business English Training. The model is a process which gives a clarity of what is mandatory in TL Process; learners’ basic needs and their involvement; assessment tools; training delivery and its outcomes for the standard quality improvement and the importance in implementation. On the other hand, it acts as the best platform for learning, practicing and in acquiring language skills through some of classroom interactional activities.



Language teaching as a profession plays a pivotal role in facing challenges, competitiveness, growth, joy, enriching and fulfilment and the success of classroom delivery is in witnessing the learners’ performance with regard to linguistic proficiency; enhancing required communicational skills amidst multiple – intelligence environment.

Language is a rule governed system which guides a human to communicate and socialize. A comprehensive teaching with a well – defined i.e. humanistic approach will surely gain success in language training and learning circle.


1.1 Humanistic approach

The humanistic approach of language training develops an individuality, insists the role of human values and morals, encourages creativity, active participation and voluntariness in work. The approach is highly optimistic and to be really welcomed because it concentrates on the nobility of human to overcome struggles, frustration, agony in any professionalism. The model deeply concentrates on learners’ section by extending some learning outputs, learners’ expectation, ability of understanding the concepts etc., it often provides the flexible choices to the learners’ exclusively some interactional activities in order to attain the best learning outcomes through specific evaluation and assessment tools.


2. Kirkpatrick’s five levels

Teaching and Learning process must complement the traditional methodologies. The levels and its statement with some sample classroom activities are explained below in order, mainly to meet the needs of an assessment and evaluation of the learner’s involvement and performance (Prabhavathy, 2021). Figure 1 illustrates Kirkpatrick’s five levels.

Figure 1 (Pandey, 2018)


Level 1 Statement:

a) involves the learner’s reaction to the teaching

b) focus is on the course & delivery: the teacher, the materials and so on


Level 1 Preparatory Activity:

Materials involving the four basic language skills (LSRW) Vocabulary & Grammar Component related to Professional Development are focussed:



Listening to TED Talks related to Group Discussion Speaking:

Making oral presentations on to-do lists of GD Reading:

Reading Comprehension; contents/ passages taken from Wikipedia, associated to GD Writing:

Creating Web blogs & vlogs – related to employability/career skills Vocabulary:

Word Formations Grammar Component:

Adjectives & Adverbs (expressions to be used in self – introduction i.e. describing part)

Level 1 Assessment Question – were the learners’ satisfied? with the content delivery by the trainer Choose the suitable answer:


 Level 1 Evaluation –
  1. a) completely satisfied
  2. b) somewhat satisfied
  3. c) never satisfied


C)Level 2 Statement

a) relates to the learning (focus is on the learner)

b) involves a pre –test and post-test


Level 2 Preparatory Activity:

Pre – test & Post – test (testing skill) Questions • Pre – test Questions:

a) Find out the meaning for the words like GD and skills

b) What are the skills associated in GD? • Post – test Questions:

a) How would you prepare yourself for GD?

b) What are the topics expected in GD?

c) How will you react if teammate disagree with your suggestions?


Level 2 Assessment Question

what was actually learnt? focus on the learner’s experience

Say YES or NO for the following:

Level 2 Evaluation:

a) Have you learnt the meaning of GD and the skills associated with it? YES/NO

b) Whether body language plays a major role in GD? YES/NO

c) Is patient listening is necessary in GD? YES/NO


Level 3 Statement:

a) transfer of what has been learned to the workplace

b) focus is on the learner and the workplace


Level 3 Preparatory Activity:

utilization of learnt new skills in the workplace

a) Making oral presentation about the history of an organisation

b) Presenting a Report / a Proposal (any particulars related to the fieldwork)

c) Practicing Group Discussions (related to employability – samples taken from web pages – audio texts/transcripts i.e. enriching basic communicational skills)

The above activities are selected for practicing psychometric test skills namely, persuasive skills, negotiation skills, attitudi[1]nal skills, employability skills etc., and to utilize the skills at the time of pre[1]senting extemporarily either in face to face or in offline mode (digital platform


Level 3 Assessment Question:

a) What has been learned related to the workplace? i.e. in short, Is the learning work – relevant?

b) Are the learners using their new skills? Report Writing (consisting of max.3 para)


Level 3 Evaluation:

a) What are the skills to be developed associated to work place? Explain in detail

b) Is the new skills like presentation skills, persuasive skills, telephonic skills, negotiation skills, GD skills, attitudinal skills etc., which have learnt will be used by the learners’ in the workplace? If yes, draft a report.

c) Whether persuasive skill will be relevant in work place? If yes, justify it (either stating from your own creativity or it could workplace? If yes, draft a report.

d) Why attitudinal skills are mandatory while performing GD? Explain briefly


Level 4 Statement:

concerned with results Level 4 Preparatory Activity:

Result oriented task

a) Creating Web Pages – Blogs and Vlogs , related to job – communicative and digital competence

b) Writing a review on a new product launch – developing writing skills i.e. creativity and imaginative skills

c) Establishing any brand promotional over tele – call – developing speaking skills i.e. accuracy and fluency

d) Reading a profile of a successful organization ( any sectors)

e) Drafting a circular, flyers, brochures, notices, SOP’S & MoM etc., relating to work place communication)


Level 4 Assessment Question:

a) Has the training resulted in any business impact?

b) Are the learners’ more successful in their negotiations?

c) Have their telephonic etiquette improved?


Level 5 statement:
  1. looks at the return on investment ( ROI )


Level 5 Preparatory Activity:

benefit has the training led to, related to its cost

a) GD with core specialists and expressing inferential / open – ended reviews (enhance learners with an applicable job context

b) Paraphrasing (develop learners’ language proficiency)

c) Parts of Speech (learning Adjectives add expressiveness and beauty to language – in describing any products, specific brands etc.,)

d) Vocabulary building (help learners to know more words and its meanings, word formations etc., for example – exclusively related to professionalism


Level 5 Assessment Question:

a) What (and how much) effective has the training led to?

b) Are the learners’ feeling satisfied in spending a course cost as a personal worth investment? Feedback/ Responses Recorded: Submit your valuable suggestions with regard to training sessions which you have undergone these days


Level 5 Evaluation:

a)Once after this training, could you gain some boldness and confidence within you to participate in GD?

b)Could the skills learnt by you will make you to accept the challenging workplace atmosphere?

c)Are you willing to join in any developmental organizations with winning proposals?

The above mentioned five levels of Patrick’s Statement and Evaluation Techniques draws a vividness to the trainers as well as the administrators mainly on the course design, delivery and its implementation to meet the standard quality in training Business English humanistically.


2.1 Optimum balancing

Learning outcomes of the particular course is obtained through the assessment and evaluation done with distinguished tools and the outcomes based on three likely factors

a) Programme Outcomes like questionnaire; surveys, interviews; career offers, salaries; admissions etc.

b) Programme cum Course outcomes like internship projects; assignments; reports; tests; self – evaluation; portfolios; behavioral observation etc.,

c) Course Outcomes will be derived from written tests matching with learn[1]ing objectives; written project reports and research proposals etc., Training Modules to be mixed up with the technical competency and teaching competency and for the successful completion of a programme with defined attributes optimum balancing is to be maintained throughout the training program (Baskar, 2022). Figure 2 highlights the learning zone model and how individuals can move beyond their comfort zones

Figure 2 (MindTools, 2022)



To sum up, in order to bring second language teaching closer to the natural acquisition i.e. teaching – learning process followed with the humanistic approach, the five levels of Kirkpatrick’s assessment strategies will certainly guide the trainer for proper evaluation of the learner’s performance throughout the training.



This paper is an output of EFL/ESL 120 HRS certification course in ACT, 2021.



Baskar.S. (2022). OBE workshop materials. Coimbatore, TN, INDIA: KGiSL.

MTCT. (2022). The Learning Zone Model Moving Beyond Your Comfort Zone. Retrieved from mind Tools: https://www.- ing-zone-model.htm

Pandey, A. (2018, 02 21). How to Measure ROI With Kirkpatrick’s Model of Training Evaluation. Retrieved from eidesign: ricks-model-of-training-evaluation/

Prabhavathy, P. (2021). ACT. modules II. UK: TESOL/TEFL.

Prabhavathy, P. (2021). Asian College of Teachers, end – term assignments. UK: TESOL.

Dr. P. Prabhavathy

Associate Professor, English, Department of Science and Humanities, KGiSL.

