Artificial Intelligence Archives - GRJ Mon, 23 Dec 2024 09:55:32 +0000 en hourly 1 Artificial Intelligence Archives - GRJ 32 32 AI Based Sustainable Electricity Generation (AI-SEG) Mon, 14 Oct 2024 06:35:15 +0000 Research Objectives To explore ways in which amalgamation of technologies can bring digitization of the traditional grid.   Keywords AI, Covid-19, Sustainable, Electricity, Smart Grid.   Bio Leena Patel is Founder and CEO of Global entrepreneurial system GES one soul army certified by CERN & NASA. She is from Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Leena Patel’s hard […]

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Research Objectives

To explore ways in which amalgamation of technologies can bring digitization of the traditional grid.



AI, Covid-19, Sustainable, Electricity, Smart Grid.



Leena Patel is Founder and CEO of Global entrepreneurial system GES one soul army certified by CERN & NASA. She is from Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Leena Patel’s hard work and dedication had resulted in being awarded 19 International Awards and several Titles. In addition, Leena Patel is a Brand Ambassador at 4 International/ National Associations, and she is a World Record Holder for being an EDUCATOR & EDUPRENEUR.



The global coronavirus (covid-19) pandemic resulted in humans taking a pause from their mundane lives. It has facilitated individuals to act in retrospect and react thoughtfully to the new normal way of living on earth. In addition, they have started to think about how to share common resources due to the rise in cost of living. Electricity has played an important role in fueling industrial, commercial, and household appliances. Simultaneously, it has contributed to the running of technology, social media, and communication equipment, which was highlighted during the lockdown period, as it was utilized to keep humans informed and connected. Not all energy generation techniques are sustainable, resources such as natural gasses, coal, and nuclear resources used in electricity generation are limited. Therefore, finding sustainable alternatives for electricity generation, will help humanity greatly in future events like covid-19 pandemic. In conclusion, this work presents a cumulative analysis of sustainable alternatives through which electricity generation can occur, highlighting limitations and presenting novel AI-driven approaches to conserve different forms of renewable energy and use them to generate electricity. Ultimately, we all look for the innovative dimensions of life-standard, to achieve and aspire with the goals of 5th industry revolution as well in the future.



Fulfilling demands of electricity has always been a challenge for several developing countries. This has become more complex and difficult as pandemic has created a great impact on communities, including the use of electricity patterns in our day-to- day life. As per a study conducted by Abdeen, Kharvari, O’Brein and Gunaya (Abdeen, Kharvari, O’Brien, & Gunay, 2021), a few areas in Canada have increased significantly heightening from 16.3% to 29.1% every day after COVID-19. Such trends have been observed by major distributors across the globe and have resulted in emergence of newer ways of electricity generation (Abdeen, Kharvari, O’Brien, & Gunay, 2021) to cope with the rise in demand. Global push towards reducing carbon emissions resulting from using traditional fossil fuels for electricity generation has drawn significant attention towards renewable energy resources such as wind power, solar energy, hydropower, tidal energy, hydrogen etc. as an alternative means to generate electricity. Despite having numerous benefits – never ending & replenished time to time; one time cost of installing needed machineries; less maintenance; promote well-being of remote areas as chances of generating renewable energy are higher over such regions; capacity of recycling waste in the form of biomass energy; lesser reliance on imported energy – of renewable sources, integration of renewable energy into electric grid is facing challenges mainly due to their variable and uncertain nature (Shi, et al., 2020).

Uncontrollable power output generated from Variable Renewable Energy (VREs) (IRENA, 2019) has necessitated the initiation of novel methods of energy storage and dispatching energy to the grid later to handle peak load duration (Shi, et al., 2020). Also in the traditional grid structure, the transmission and generation are the dominant elements which are monitored in real-time and controlled. This is due to the fact that there are numerous unauthorized “connections to the power grid”. This indicates colossal energy is not being accounted for through meter readings with financial implications (Shi, et al., 2020). This contributes to a major challenge due to heightened CO2 emissions, decreased efficiency and increase financial investment to help find solutions. To integrate these VREs and overcome limitations of electric grid structures, many developed countries have started investing in a new version of grid – “Smart Grid” (Shi, et al., 2020).

The Smart Grid is defined as “an electric system that uses information, two-way, cyber-secure communication technologies, and computational intelligence in an integrated fashion across electricity generation, transmission, substations, distribution and consumption to achieve a system that is clean, safe, secure, reliable, resilient, efficient and sustainable” (Shi, et al., 2020). The characteristics of smart grid mentioned in below figure require installation of new devices at each stage of grid – Smart Meter & Home Area Networks, Photovoltaics, Electric vehicle Charging Stations & Micro grids, Newer means of energy storage, Heat & Power Co-Gen Facilities, Solar Thermal & Wind Farm Generation, etc. (Shi, et al., 2020).

Smart meter can be perceived as a heterogeneous that measures electricity which is inputted into a grid. There are multiple benefits of such an advanced energy system and users. Using smart meters, the major issues like unjustifiable bills, back billing etc. can be resolved because of the advantages of measurement accuracy. It provides the profits including the lowest and precise measurements of the energy use at regular intervals. The financial commitments only pertain to energy utilized. Also, the smart meters are

  • Vast amount of data generated due to use of IoT- empowered smart meters (IRENA, 2019), replacement of traditional SCADA systems by Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs), smart home appliances,
  • Decentralization with increased deployment of small renewable power generations
  • Added demands of electricity load i.e. electric vehicles, boilers, etc.
  • Intermittent & discontinuous nature of renewable energy resources (particularly wind & solar)
  • Bi-directional flow of electricity has enabled new challenges to ensure smooth operation.

Figure 1 (shi, et, al., 2020)

Figure 2 (IRENA, 2019)

Figure 3. (Mhlanga, 2006)

(IRENA, 2019) presents how technologies like, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, Internet of Things (IoT) and Blockchain. When used together might result in powerful tools to deal with complexity introduced because of the above factors (IRENA, 2019), (Ahmad, et al., 2022) represent this amalgamation of technologies that can significantly contribute to the modern power sector at different stages of the energy industry i.e. the production of electricity, delivering power, storing energy and electric distribution networks.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning can facilitate optimum generation of power. Figure 3 demonstrates how applying AI and ML within energy sectors can be advantageous within countries like Africa.  According to figure 4 some solutions include “performing predictive maintenance of turbines, the ability to accurately predict energy prices, AI and ML to correctly determine energy demand” (Mhlanga, 2006).

This paper presents a survey on three major key points on the effectiveness of AI algorithms in ensuring stability and reliability of the power grid. Those key points are mentioned and discussed in the next chapter.

Figure 4. (Mhlanga, 2006)


2 Role of Technology in Integration of Variable Renewable Energy (VREs) into Power System:

This chapter presents a few key points of review done on effectiveness of AI algorithms in ensuring stability and reliability of power grid by:

Figure 5. (Ahmad, et al., 2022)


Accurately forecasting renewable energy generation

It helps in safe grid operation & minimizes the operational cost of energy sources (Ahmad, et al., 2022). In addition, “AB-Net” is a new architecture that is formed pertaining to a forecast consisting on one step toward regenerating for horizons in the short-term. This can be achieved through integrating an autoencoder (AE) together with a bidirectional long short-term memory (BiLSTM).

According to this research done by researchers of Sejong University of Korea, to solve the forecast problem a new architectural development was made. It ensures that a hybrid connection is initiated between the BiLSTM network and AE. The process entails data clearance through refinement and preprocessing. Feature collection is conducted through the refined sequence as it is processed to the AE. The featured attained from the AE are then provided to the BiLSTM so the concluding forecast can be attained. RES power can be forecasted accurately through this process because this proposed approach can learn compressed representation from the sequential input data. The method that has been proposed will facilitate the avoidance of wasting energy production via reducing the production of excess energy power. The algorithm that has been proposed will aid smoother cooperation between the smart grid and the consumers. Through utilizing data that is available on the public domain, there was an increase in performance levels in comparison to other techniques. Figure 5 highlights the framework of the architecture proposed.


Incorporating predictive maintenance

The maintenance and deterioration of a turbine can be accurately predicted via analytics. This can be achieved through sensor data recorded from a wind turbine (Xu, Pan, Chen, & Fu, 2019).

This paper (Rodriguez, et al., 2023) talks about three types of maintenance as below:

  • Corrective
  • Preventive
  • Predictive

In Corrective maintenance when the product was damaged then and only maintenance was performed so it is already prompted that seems such an inefficient way to apply. Corrective maintenance is not that much effective so preventive maintenance and predictive maintenance are widely used and because of that both are popular too. The feasible way to perform the maintenance is between two strategies, proactive and reactive is known as condition-based maintenance (CBM). It is focused on constant monitoring and prior to any failures happening they are detected by condition monitoring systems (CMS). This is achieved through obtaining data from sensors which is then pre-processed, after which data is evaluated and interpreted. The predictive maintenance can also be referred to as proactive maintenance. There are three types of predictive maintenance observed with real time data to be or not: “1. Based on existing sensors 2. Based on Supply sensors 3. Based on signal techniques” (Rodriguez, et al., 2023). When predictive maintenance is applied it subsequently links to the big data paradigm. This then deals with the data

Figure 6 (Eseye, Lehtonen, Tukia, Uimonen & Millar, 2019)

management methods which include the Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM), Sampling, then exploration, modification, modelling and accessibility processes are followed after which the Team Data Science Process (TDSP) is completed (Rodriguez, et al., 2023).


Predicting consumer demands

It talks about effective application of Genetic Algorithm (GA) in forecasting the demand for electricity within smaller decentralized energy systems that are being initiated in smart grids (Khan, et al., 2021).



The theory of evolution and genetics by Charles Darwin has inspired the GA population-based heuristic type optimization method. It is based upon the survival of the fittest (Eseye, Lehtonen, Tukia, Uimonen, & Millar, 2019).


As per the forecast results of Feature Selection approach in Figure 6, the model testing has been completed on a randomized selection of dates. This included the following: during the summertime Wednesday 26th July, 2017, summer weekend Sunday 16th July 2017, a fall weekend included Thursday 12th October,2017, another fall weekend Sunday 1st January 2017, a Spring weekend included Tuesday 18th April 2017 and another Spring weekend selected was Saturday 8th April 2017. Information gathered from these dates highlighted the importance of forecasting models in ensuring the optimal quality of the energy is supplied but at a low cost. Figure 6 highlights Machine Learning Based Integrated Feature Selection Approach for Improved Electricity Demand Forecasting in Decentralized Energy Systems.



This paper has explored ways in which amalgamation of technologies can bring digitization of traditional grid. When combined machine learning & Internet of Things with smart grid, it will result in better analysis and tighter control at all the stages of the energy sector from power generation to power distribution. Also, the goal of this research was to make the energy industry realize the possible contributions of AI and machine learning ML technologies. This may help to develop future advancements and tools with the formulation of small-scale decentralized systems for the growing nations across the globe.

Funding: This research received no external funding.

Data Availability Statement: We have done a survey on the researched data for the research paper title.

Conflicts of Interest: Author declares no conflict of interest.



Abdeen, A., Kharvari, F., O’Brien, W., & Gunay, B. (2021). The impact of the COVID-19 on households’ hourly electricity consumption in Canada. Energy and buildings, 250.

Ahmad, T., Hongyu, Z., Dongdong, Z., Rasikh, T., Bassam, A., Ullah, F., . . . Sultan, A. (2022). Energetics Systems and artificial intelligence: . Applications of industry 4.0. Energy Reports.

Eseye,  A.  T.,  Lehtonen,  M.,Tukia, T., Uimonen, S., & Millar, R. J. (2019). Machine Learning Based Integrated Feature Selection Approach for Improved Electricity Demand Forecasting in Decentralized Energy Systems. IEEE Access, 13.

IRENA. (2019). Artificial intelligence and big data innovation landscape brief. Irea , 1–24.

Khan, N., Ullah, F. U., Haq, I. U., Khan, S. U., Lee, M. Y., & Baik, S.W.(2021). AB-Net: A Novel Deep Learning Assisted Framework for Renewable Energy Generation Forecasting. Mathematics, 2456.

Mhlanga, D. (2006). Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Energy Consumption and Production in Emerging Markets. Johannesburg: The University of Johannesburg.

Rodriguez, P., Marti-Puig, P., Caiafa,C., Serra-Serra, M., Cusidó, J., & Solé-Casals, J. (2023). Exploratory Analysis of SCADA Data from Wind Turbines Using the K-Means Clustering Algorithm for Predictive Maintenance Purposes. Machines.

Shi, Z., Yao, W., Li, Z., Zeng, L.,Zhao, Y., Zhang, R., . . . Wen, J. (2020). Artificial intelligence techniques for stability analysis and control in smart grids. Methodologies, applications, challenges and future directions Applied Energy.

Xu, W., Pan, Y., Chen, W., & Fu,H. (2019). Forecasting corporate failure in the Chinese energy sector: A novel integrated model of deep learning and support vector machine. Energies, 2251.

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AI In The Digital Era: Balancing Transformation And Ethics For A Sustainable And Resilient Future Thu, 10 Oct 2024 08:28:28 +0000 Research Objectives To analyse AI’s role in fostering sustainability and resilience in the modern world. Explore ethical concerns surrounding AI, such as algorithmic bias, data privacy, and potential job displacement.   Keywords AI, Sustainability, Resilience, Ethics, Transformation   Bio Roxanne Boodhoo is an accomplished professional with a diverse and versatile background. Her extensive academic training […]

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Research Objectives

To analyse AI’s role in fostering sustainability and resilience in the modern world. Explore ethical concerns surrounding AI, such as algorithmic bias, data privacy, and potential job displacement.



AI, Sustainability, Resilience, Ethics, Transformation



Roxanne Boodhoo is an accomplished professional with a diverse and versatile background. Her extensive academic training has equipped her with various skills and knowledge, enabling her to excel in multiple roles. Roxanne is known for her strong work ethic, diligence, and commitment to undertaking any responsibilities assigned to her. She is deeply passionate about helping and supporting others, making her a compassionate and empathetic individual. Throughout her career, Roxanne has consistently demonstrated a dedication to making a positive impact through her professional work or community involvement, striving to uplift those around her.



As artificial intelligence (AI) permeates the digital world, its transformative potential for a sustainable and resilient future is undeniable. This review examines the existing literature on AI applications, exploring both their transformative capabilities and the ethical challenges that must be addressed.

Aim: To analyse AI’s role in fostering sustainability and resilience in the modern world. The review investigates how AI can be leveraged to address environmental challenges, optimise resource management, and reinforce societal preparedness for disruptions. It concurrently explores ethical concerns surrounding AI, such as algorithmic bias, data privacy, and potential job displacement. The study employed a systematic review of academic research on the intersection of AI, sustainability, and resilience. The analysis focuses on AI applications in areas like climate change mitigation, disaster response optimization, and its contribution to building a more sustainable future.

This study highlights AI’s potential to revolutionise sustainability efforts. This includes advancements in renewable energy production, disaster prediction modelling, and personalised environmental solutions. While acknowledging AI’s transformative power, the study emphasises the need for robust ethical frameworks. Mitigating bias in AI development, ensuring data privacy, and fostering human-centric AI applications are critical for maximising positive outcomes.

AI presents a powerful tool for building a more sustainable and resilient future. However, responsible and ethical development is paramount. The review underscores the importance of continuous research and collaboration to harness AI’s potential while mitigating its risks, ultimately creating a future where technology and ethics work in harmony.



The fundamental objective of this paper is to address the potential of AI in a global landscape and the challenges of AI ethics to determine the path for a sustainable and resilient future. We are going through rapid technological advancements in AI which is driven by big data, powerful computing infrastructure, and advanced software algorithms. The rapid development of AI can indeed greatly facilitate tackling global challenges such as healthcare, lifestyle, agriculture, energy, safety, and infrastructure. But this fast-growing technology merely makes it an extremely challenging task to stay current with and effectively guide the changes with respect to societal values and ethical behaviour. The worldwide acceleration of AI research and applications has ignited a need for institutional, regulatory, and legal initiatives to ensure that AI development and deployment are not only compliant with laws and regulations but also sensible to robust ethical considerations (Kazim & Soares   Koshiyama,   2027) (Dignum,   2022) (Pastor- Escuredo, 2020).

Artificial intelligence (AI) research aims at creating systems capable of making human-like inferences, achieving goals with minimal human intervention, and exhibiting flexible, autonomous behaviour in real-world environments. AI is revolutionising our day-to- day activities concretely through the extensive data collection that enables machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, and visual recognition from internet search engines, game- playing automata, chatbots, driverless cars, and robot caregivers. Human interaction with AI systems occurs through social platforms such as the Google search engine, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and so forth, where AI algorithms filter content, create posts, and manage interactions. As a society, we are progressively embedding AI in our lives with expectations of improved quality of life.

2. Aim Various anticipate majority of artificial intelligence used today are relaxing experience in areas such as loan qualification, job interviews for decision making, media and customer controlling, leading to benefits such as risk, reduction, improved utilisation of resources, enlarged personalisationand a more convenient and seamless overall experience. However, it is undebated that there also are numerous significant concerns ago this quick brake association among unmarked AI. These embody a deficit on transparency, fairness, quality and accountability, excessive data protection and the registers of ambivalent suggestions which might innocently give unequitable personal analysis. It’s no surprise the testing of misuse such artificial intelligence has opened an encompassing creative intelligence to power regulators in different parts of the globe. If AI transformations manage well meet this enthusiasm and among this publication we provide views and consent specifications to that sign, it should become practical in achieving numerous global sustainable advancement signals something which broadly do many think is possible, in theory.

Artificial Intelligence or AI adoption in numerous digital capacities is growing at a semiautomatic pace. The adoption is mainly due to its potential to transform and streamline numerous digital processes including information recognition, recommendation and deduction. These characteristics have led to increasing use of AI technologies in diverse areas, including autonomous vehicles, advanced communication tools, and robotics. In addition to this, some of the recent developments in AI along with the imminent start of the 5G-oriented mobile era are projected to speed up the overall growth of AI around the globe. In fact, the already growing popularity of AI technologies in emerging applications and involving business emergent has further fueled the growth of artificial intelligence. According to a recent market study, the overall market development for AI is predicted to grow at a CAGR of whether 40.7% between 2020 and 2026. This rapid growth is directly associated with specifically drive uses of AI, majority by many firms, purporting to realise a high return on their investment. It is due to the increasing growth of AI technologies, that we need to comprehend their marketing journey.


Data Collection

The data collection scheme for this study consists of two parts: (1) the secondary collected electronic works, industries reports, and analysis and (2) selected the comparative case study actual practices (Li et al., 2022). A wide range of quantitative and qualitative data collection from secondary sources are considered. Its major limitations notwithstanding because the data were publicly available. Method for the primary data collection is employed through a structured interview with project in-charge or/and process and policy owner of not more than ten of the selected case artist profiles with a maximum of two respondents where required. The number of interviews was conceived to achieve maximum diversity in terms of the artists, gender and their talents. The interviews were semistructured with open-ended questions and were conducted en face in a quiet location, to ensure an efficient and comfortable atmosphere of dialogue. The collected data are subsequently analysed in measurement ranges and rate agreement of hypothesis test and verified by the expert comments by analyse into the consequent statement.

This section presents an overview of the research method that was employed in this study. The method followed in this research attempts to combine diverse approaches in gathering evidence and insights to put forward mixed design and to increase the interpretation that is derived. Proposed research will be following mixed method; the concurrent approach of Mixing applies to different kinds of research in different ways (Muhlenbach, 2020).


Results and Discussion

AI seems to be focused neither on data acquisition and quality aspects, nor on the secure management of data.

It is seen as important, although their importance rate from the respondents (50.00%) can be evaluated as only moderate. Here AI acts as a “blind” method. This means all methods in that area just use the primary heuristic information from input signal, as it does not reduce asymmetry of information during the decision-making process. For “enlightenment” a deeper AI-extended method and mode of cooperation between collaborative humans and such system configuration, which has a low complexity in content and information management as in (Bano et al., 2023). We point out that the system can make decisions at different levels without the explanation of “black box” and the AI- supported modes of cooperation in group systems.

Although the overarching goal is to manage the digital transformation, the AI projects help digital transformation projects to a higher degree (Giralt Hernández, 2024). Approximately 79% of all interviewees estimate that AI projects support the primary digital transformation initiatives, and over 35% of the participants even believe that they have a very high alignment. The digital transformation management challenges of an AI- enhanced project management that result from these findings include the following: AI-enhanced project management should reflect external and internal signs; there are calls for an AI-enhanced project management design that supports organisational agility; it is important to integrate AI project management and the primary digital transformation initiatives; the evaluation of guidelines, models, and standards for AI security and ethics has to be embedded in everyday project work and is rarely a core task of project management planning; and an increased effort is expected in PMI areas in AI- enhanced project management. AI as an evolutionary approach requires the closer examination of the AI- related epistemic ethical decision process at a number of points and key challenges (Samuel et al., 2021).

4.1 AI Applications in Climate Change Mitigation

AI technology can potentially spur innovations and policy solutions by identifying relationship patterns between causal and impactful sequences societal processes and environmental outcomes. It can uncover intricate and non-linear dependencies between climate-relevant circuits, like greenhouse gas emissions, atmospheric parameters, and climate conditions, including seasonal variations and the long-term climate change, evolution. In relation to AI in the digital era, AI models and big data analysis tools have been used to successfully warn people and organise rescue teams before and after natural disasters before extensive loss occurred. AI has also been used in urban planning and to analyse and assess future climate-related challenges, like housing, social, and eco-healthy construction and living conditions. AI technology in health care, namely in PM- related fields potentially acts as the most critical segment of the SDGS’ achievement. Technology can be harnessed even further for recognising and addressing a globally critical societal change factor, subject to climate change.AI can enhance monitoring of wildfire-prone regions and help technological development of fire suppression and rehabilitation strategies (Sirmacek et al., 2022) (Cowls et al., 2021). AI has been applied to early detection and real-time disaster relief support through layer processing of SAR and thermal infrared (TIR) satellite imagery. Research has shown that AI can improve the prediction accuracy of floods, enhance water quality monitoring, and optimise water supply networks and complex chemical models. AI models have been deployed to help corporations reduce greenhouse gas emissions, to manage organisational carbon footprint data, and to forecast methane and CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion and land use change.

4.2 AI in Disaster Response Optimisation

Network-oriented AI of the future of electric systems can increase user-centricity and situational awareness, considering all users equally in the future energy regime, to minimise differences between producer, control centre, government, and user. To derive these goals, the paper delves into social identity theory, contextualising the convergence between social relations and technology in the network-oriented and transactive electric systems. The corona pandemic in 2020 underlined the challenges and vulnerabilities in global emergency management and yet emphasises the necessity of connectedness, the awareness of the other, and the global character of humanity. Success in future systems, such as network- oriented governance, will not only depend on the behind- the-scenes intelligence and general rules, but also the prevalent integration of the users and operators of network-owned assets (Pastor-Escuredo, 2021).

The recent development in renewable and decentralised energy resources are a result of emerging global problems, such as resource scarcity and infrastructure weakness, along with advances in digital and artificial intelligence technology. These technologies enabled the transformation of the current centralised energy systems into decentralised, network-oriented, intelligent micro-grids, in addition to challenging big energy corporations as well as small- scale energy cooperatives. Using a social identity perspective, this research aims to investigate the contribution of network- oriented AI that governs beyond corporate management, incorporating the understanding, integration of users, smoothing out differences, and achieving security and sustainability between all the players in and around the grid (Lee et al., 2022).

4.3 AI’s Contribution to Building a More Sustainable Future

Regarding these considerations, it is hypothesised that AI technologies can become integral to achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by strengthening responses to AI-related challenges, in particular, by orchestrating mechanisms which allow computational decision-aids for decision-critical areas of human societies, also balancing transformations and ethical considerations as a dwelling environment for future generations. Furthermore AI can assist in developing a more sustainable portfolio of everyday life choices and sustainable options ,. Moreover, it fosters changes to the very cultural landscape in order to integrate these options as common/ingrained, broadening its perspective. Now, to work towards a technically sound sustainable AI, a comprehensive toolkit of sustainability criteria and indicators for AI system design-as well as management decisions has to be elaborated from a holistic and theoretically and empirically validated perspective.

AI and broader data science methods and technologies have attracted interest across multiple sustainable development sectors (Rohde et al., 2023) (Hermann et al., 2021). Among potential building blocks for sustainability, research efforts have focused on designing and developing AI algorithms, digital solutions, technologies and applications, such as healthcare data classification. In another realm, environmental monitoring systems integrating, for example, Internet of Things (IoT), remote sensing, and data

analytics, aim to obtain and interpret environmental information. Figure 1 illustrates the four foundational technologies underpinning IoT applications in the Metaverse are:

Responsible AI: This enables engineers and data scientists to clearly understand and explain the inner workings of AI algorithms.High-Speed Data Communication: This supports real-time connectivity through advanced technologies like millimeter wave (mmWave), non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA), massive multiple-input and multiple- output (MIMO), terahertz (THz), and visible light communication (VLC).

MEC (Multi-access Edge Computing): This provides the Metaverse with substantial server resources to sustain the virtual 3D environment and offers a network with ultra-low latency for nearly instantaneous responses.

Digital Twins: These create virtual replicas of physical objects or services, delivering users an immersive experience that mirrors the real world.

Hence, AI offers opportunities to develop and maintain sustainable and balance ecosystems. Moreover, AI might solve deep societal issues and ensure common welfare as a response to anticipated challenges in an ever-changing and interconnected world. For business stakeholders, it supports new product development, competitive disruption and risk management.


AI, if properly harnessed and combined with human compassion and communication, will drive a monumental leap forward for cancer care in the UK and beyond. It is however possible that the speed of technological development has overtaken the pace of professional moral and ethical education, as society has not evolved at such a tempo (LaCroix & J. D. Prince, 2023). Consequently, the balance of technological development with the cultural, moral, and ethical complexity of our world is at risk of falling into disarray. The Allen Fairbairn Vision for Ethics Series Paper took the opportunity to consider the ethical implications across a range of healthcare settings for AI using the Stackelberg Anticipative Game formalism with a mean field approach. Key perspectives from international contributors are used to explore ethical considerations in oncology. Suitable definitions, and argument, are advanced for the necessity of a robust prioritisation framework that adapts to evolving data. Ethical frameworks necessitating observing the basic tenets of responsible AI, addressing biases, highlighting the ethical need for the translation of a “trust understanding” and Ability conditions are considered.

The integration of AI in various domains, including healthcare, brings unprecedented potential for human advancement, pioneering new treatment modalities, supporting prioritisation and management of patient care, as well as enabling operational efficiencies and cost savings (Fabrice Djete, 2023). The value has been considerably recognised as solutions have been used to save lives, particularly during the COVID-19 response, and are potentially pivotal for delivering care during future pandemics. It opens up exciting possibilities for translation of AI system / technology integration and will require further queries into safe and effective deployment of advanced digital applications in “routine” practice from an efficiency, economic and ethical standpoint. Amongst the key ethical considerations are organisational responsibility for maintaining standards to safeguard informed consent, ensuring human oversight of AI decisions, transparency in AI decision-making, and addressing biases and impact on workforce (Zhu et al., 2021).



Bano, M., Zowghi, D., Shea, P., & Ibarra, G. (2023). Investigating Responsible AI for Scientific Research: An Empirical Study.  [PDF]

Cowls, J., Tsamados, A., Taddeo, M., & Floridi, L. (2021). The AI gambit: leveraging artificial intelligence to combat climate change— opportunities, challenges, and recommendations.

Dignum, V. (2022). Relational Artificial Intelligence. [  PDF]

Fabrice Djete, M. (2023). Stackelberg Mean Field Games: convergence and existence results to the problem of Principal with multiple Agents in competition. [  PDF]

Giralt  Hernández,  E.  (2024).  Towards an Ethical and Inclusive Implementation of Artificial Intelligence in Organizations: A  Multidimensional Framework.  [PDF]

Hermann, E., Hermann, G., & Tremblay, J. C. (2021). Ethical Artificial Intelligence in Chemical Research and Development: A Dual Advantage for Sustainability.

Kazim, E. & Soares Koshiyama, A. (2021). A high- level overview of AI ethics.

LaCroix, T. & J. D. Prince, S. (2023). Deep Learning and Ethics. [  PDF]

Muhlenbach, F. (2020). A Methodology for Ethics-by- Design AI Systems: Dealing with Human Value Conflicts.

Pastor-Escuredo, D. (2020). Ethics in the digital era (PDF)

Pastor-Escuredo, D. (2021). Future of work: ethics.  [PDF] Rohde, F., Wagner, J., Meyer, A., Reinhard, P., Voss, M., Petschow, U., & Mollen, A. (2023). Broadening the perspective for sustainable AI: Comprehensive sustainability criteria and indicators for AI systems. [PDF]

Samuel, G., Chubb, J., & Derrick, G. (2021). Boundaries Between Research Ethics and Ethical Research Use in Artificial Intelligence Health Research. Sirmacek, B., Gupta, S., Mallor, F., Azizpour, H., Ban, Y., Eivazi, H., Fang, H., Golzar, F., Leite, I., I. Melsion, G., Smith, K., Fuso Nerini, F., & Vinuesa, R. (2022). The potential of artificial intelligence for achieving healthy and sustainable societies.  [PDF]

Zhu,  L.,  Xu,  X.,  Lu,  Q., Governatori, G., & Whittle, J. (2021). AI and Ethics — Operationalising Responsible AI. [  PDF]




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A Mock Interview With Regard To Computational Intelligence: Decoding The Dichotomy Sun, 29 Sep 2024 08:39:15 +0000 Research Objectives: The aim of this research study is to examine the differences and intersections between AI, ML, and CI, highlighting their roles in technological advancements. It also seeks to guide students in understanding and applying these fields to develop intelligent systems.   Keywords: artificial intelligence; software; dichotomy; computational intelligence; metamorphosing   Bio Dr. P. […]

The post A Mock Interview With Regard To Computational Intelligence: Decoding The Dichotomy appeared first on GRJ.

Research Objectives:

The aim of this research study is to examine the differences and intersections between AI, ML, and CI, highlighting their roles in technological advancements. It also seeks to guide students in understanding and applying these fields to develop intelligent systems.



artificial intelligence; software; dichotomy; computational intelligence; metamorphosing



Dr. P. Prabhavathy is currently serving as an Associate Professor of English in the Department of Science and Humanities, KGiSL. She has authored technical textbooks, workbooks, reference books and contributed to articles, chapters, research papers etc., for publication in the international conferences, Journals, Magazines etc., She is a speaking cum Written Examiner of BULATS – ESOL Examinations, British Council, Cambridge Assessment and Evaluation, EBEK. Dr. Prabhavathy has been honoured with many awards and recently recognised as an AICTE certified UHV Mentor.



Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are two emphasising branches of computer science, authorities have acknowledged their discrepancy and the roles that they both offer in advancement of computer applications. Both fields have upended industries, reasserting the way we interact with technology and metamorphosing how business operates. In the convoluted domain of technology, the juxtaposition between Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering emerges as a perpetual enigma, akin to untangling a Gordian knot. This discourse endeavours to delve into the intricacies of this dichotomy, peeling back the layers that differentiate these two formidable domains.  Computational Intelligence is the design, theory, application and linguistically motivated computational framework. CI act a major role in building a successful intelligent system, games and cognitive development of system in this regard mock interview guides the students of Engineering and Technology to kickstart with trends and application of Machine Learning (ML), Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Computational Intelligence (CI).



The dichotomy between AI and Software Engineering manifests in their divergent methodologies and objectives. While AI strives to imbue machines with human-like cognitive prowess, Software Engineering is focused on crafting robust, efficient software solutions. The fusion of AI-driven algorithms with software engineering principles yields groundbreaking applications, from autonomous systems to intelligent virtual assistants. AI are booming although in certain Industries are started to appoint AI in a position of software Engineer and also in the post of Human Resource (HR). Nowadays, the question frequently raised is do AI replace human? To answer this question, we need to know about efficiency of AI and software Engineer. Design and creativity thinking are the fundamental skill of IT professionals as increasing these steps generative AI and low code take a great space on coding load  like speech recognition. The primary goal of the students pursuing professional courses is to learn the technical aspects of their respective professions. Its fundamental essence lies in mirroring human cognitive faculties, traversing the labyrinthine terrain of intricate decision-making and pattern recognition. As we navigate this intricate web of algorithms and heuristics, we encounter the words of Alan Turing echoing through the corridors of innovation, “We can only see a short distance ahead, but we can see plenty there that needs to be done,” encapsulating the perpetual quest of AI to transcend the boundaries of artificial intelligence. On the other hand, software engineers are in the process of upgrading themselves. It adheres to structured methodologies such as Agile or Waterfall, emphasising precision, reliability, and scalability.


1.1 A Confluence of Changes and Beneficiary of Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing

The words of Frederick P. Brooks Jr. reverberate in this realm, “The programmer, like the poet, works only slightly removed from pure thought-stuff,” elucidating the creative yet disciplined approach inherent in software engineering.  AI has developed in the recent years as an emerging career towards students. Nowadays, everything is handled by machine. By introducing machine learning algorithms, we can design the model to our requirements. Modern times building a robot (AI) becomes facile, as it is used in every field all over the society. It also provides us with the evolution of skills that are in high demand. The roles and responsibilities towards the career path are expected to be superior. Nevertheless, as the software engineering society observes the escalate need for AI talent. Software engineers aspire to move their profession towards AI. Undoubtedly, both Software Engineers and AI will continue to be in leading demand. As software Engineers are required to innovate new techniques and methodology in the technical world. The point of divergence is the converging and differing skill sets between AI and software Engineers.

AI has the competence to create and manage the development, creation of automation and also do statistical analysis. It is well developed to provide the organisations decision making spirit. By training the AI model it also helps the manager and stockholders in the analysis process. We can also introduce the Machine Learning models into programming, and it can be integrated with our application.  Computational intelligence has the key component known as fuzzy logic, they handle with the checking process of value whether it is true or false. Fuzzy logic allows the user to represent the concept of fuzzy by allowing the system to make decisions based on the given instructions.

Accessibility of fuzzy logic involves defining the fuzzy sets, fuzzy rules to undoubtedly get into real world problems. Evolutionary computation within CI have inspired biological evolution and natural selection. The working of evolutionary algorithms involves creating a solution over mutation, fitness, genetic crossovers. It is effective in finding solutions to given tasks. At its core, CI works on various computational models and approaches to solve complex problems based on the algorithms. The fundamental feature of CI is neural network. They are mathematical models inspired by structures and functions of neural networks, interconnected by nodes and arranged in layers. The working of neural network involves in strengthening between connections and nodes from the input. Swarm intelligence is another fascinating field within CI, where it collects the activity of social insects such as bees, ants. There are two optimisations, namely ant colony optimisation and particle swarm optimisation. The working of swarm intelligence involves in interacting generally with their environment to provide the optimal solution towards the problems. There are plenty of methodologies available to create intelligence in taking decisions and solving the problem by self-organized process. These are the key methodologies used in CI while working on the projects. CI is also efficient in finding fraud detection, moreover in robotics and autonomous systems. It has numerous advantages especially in areas such as hiring, lending, and law enforcement. CI techniques such as machine learning algorithms have empowered business and research to follow the valuable data by optimisation process to create innovative solutions. Some of the drawbacks are seen in CI is risk of reliance, where humans trust the AI without an evaluation of themselves. This case will lead to errors in the program, the development and maintenance of CI needs to be expertise in the data science domain. Although they ensure the transparency and accountability of the system.


1.2 Decoding the Dichotomy: AI vs. Software Engineer

Software Engineering is in top demand in industry from the survey of past few years. Most of the MNC’s are welcoming and offering a job role for software engineers, they also provide internship for new graduates and students. The action taken by these companies is greatly beneficial for students to work in Hands-on projects and to develop their skill accordingly to their interests. Software architecture is acknowledged as a different expertise Category from software design. The roles of software Engineer are to test and compose software application to evaluate the requirements, estimate the cost of deployment and to implement the system software. They also review the project that they build with peers and stack holders to decide the current tools. software Engineers are highly skilled, they can do the necessary outcome that is expected from the industry. A distinct opportunity is over the software engineers. The society of software Engineers must adopt a realistic approach, avoiding the temptation to transform all software Engineering programs into AIfocused ones.

Let us focus on the key features where AI focuses on building artificial intelligent systems that can perform human tasks. AI software includes natural processing, machine learning, deep learning, and computer vision of the system. Software Engineers focus on consistent, efficient and adaptable software solutions using programming languages, deployment and building model methodologies and frameworks. AI uncovers the applications in diverse domains like finance, Hospitals and health care, driverless vehicles and support services. Most of the AI system are build using the principle of software engineers by Integrating AI techniques into their solutions. AI sets up the system and tools to make decisions under precise standards. AI is generally trained during the time habitual beyond supervision.

On the contrary of AI replacing the software Engineer, deployment of machine learning algorithms skilled by software Engineers will provide the outcome of software Engineer performance by intensifying required practices. Let me give a live example that has already been on board, Cognition is a steering company where they have built the world’s first AI software engineer called DEVIN that can do any technical work assigned to it. As a virtual software engineer it is well known for the accuracy of the outcome with or without an assistance, they have the ability to code and operate the code, plans, design and finally they can also deploy software projects.

Devika, Indian AI engineer manifests to hurdle Devin. Devika AI was spearheaded by Mufeed VH of Lyminal and station, where it aims to compete the efficiency of Devin the AI coder. Similarities of Devin are introduced in Devika such factors are power of machine learning and natural language processing by understanding the human instructions. In spite of that Devika district itself deconstructed these institutions into actionable tasks. Here Devin’s accessibility and features remains obscured in mystery, Devika’s functionality is transparent as they are open-source nature of evolution.

The key feature of Devika is that the model is trained in a way to interact in a feedback loop, explore, decision making, research accordingly, coding a program, it also answers to the queries raised by users to archive the project outcome. It is capable of rectifying the error generated from the code autonomously without the involvement of user as a motive to minimise the human power. Devika has also created static websites on Netlify. As it is a python – based project any user needs to install the latest version of python to their system, if they need to work with Devika.

While coming for the benefits of using Devika AI over Devin AI, it has increased productivity as they focus on more complex aspects of software development for faster completion of the project before the deadline submission. It is also beneficial as they are reducing errors spontaneously without the need of the human. Devika breaks down the assigned tasks and works on them to improve the learning curve structures. Finally, accessibility and collaboration make Devika contribute its development and practice towards the outcome.

The fact about the virtual software engineer they can solve the problem in well skilled manner by providing the efficient result. The founder of Devin states that they will not replace software engineers, instead they are freeing up the developer for higher level thinking and creative solutions for the problems. However, navigating this dichotomy is not without its challenges. Ethical quandaries surrounding AI’s decision-making capabilities and the imperative for stringent software engineering practices underscore the need for a harmonious convergence of these domains.

The collaboration between both the fields will bridges the dichotomy by leveraging the strength of each discipline with intelligence functionalities. Even though there are plenty of innovations emerging in AI technology, they cannot be as accurate as humans. Trusting AI will obviously not advisable as they make faults often, humans need at least to monitor the work of the AI. The duty of humans is still in demand in all fields to check over and to operate AI in wise way. The necessity of prompt engineers is at peak to deal with these machines. Prompt engineers play a crucial role in designing the behaviour and capabilities of AI models, ensuring that they produce accurate and relevant results.

While examining the job crisis between AI versus software Engineer, it is crucial to consider the sophisticated interplay in the evolving technologies. AI, with its advancement in technique has undoubtedly disrupted traditional job roles across various industries. AI on phrase has introduced new job opportunities particularly in certain domains of its major such as data science, AI research and warehousing. The work done in the industry is now handled by AI, resulting in job losses in many sectors such as manufacturing, customer service role.


2. Mock Interview

There are more and more chances for engineers and technical professionals to convey technical information in English for various purposes. The primary goal of the students pursuing professional courses is to learn the technical aspects of their respective professions. Similarly, the practical suggestions for developing language skills in the learners and each item followed by tasks that the students motivated to do on their own. Teaching aids prove effective only when it suits the teaching objectives and group of learners. The aid should be displayed properly so that all the students are able to see it, observe it and derive maximum benefit out of it. English for Academic Purposes (EAP) entails training students, usually in a higher education setting, to use language appropriately for study. It is a challenging and multifaceted area within the wider field of English Language Teaching (ELT) and is one of the most common forms of English for Specific Purposes (ESP). English for Academic Purposes programme focuses instruction on skills required to perform well in an Englishspeaking academic context English for Specific Purpose (ESP) is to meet the specific needs of the learners. It makes use of the methodology and activities of the discipline it serves, and it is purpose. It is the teachers’ responsibility to propose a variety of exercises, both written and oral, to improve the learner’s accuracy, fluency and communicative ability. At times the teachers’ should translate-if they know both languages very well and believes it is the most efficient way to provide the meaning of a new concept in that moment, especially abstract ideas and also the teachers have to correct errors immediately if the scope of the classroom activity is accuracy, but if the scope of the activity is fluency these errors will be corrected later on.


  1. Is it good to kickstart with NLTK journey?
  2. Few suggestions about ML, NLP and CI
  3. Share some credits about Text Summarisation
  4. Opinion about Language Modelling Module
  5. Do you find Masked Language Model really aids Software Engineers and others? If so… How?
  6. Whether the text corpus in NLP enrich language skills?
  7. Your appreciation with regards to paper cum paperless work
  8. Do you agree with the title decoding the dichotomy AI versus Software Engineers?
  9. Share some unique features about Devin’s and Devika’s AI
  10. About Quantum computing and its sustainability


Language learning is done best in a non–threatening atmosphere. Learner errors are dealt through self–monitoring and peer correction. Through understanding the teachers, it can help the students to overcome their fears and work more positively towards learning a new language. Remedial teaching is different from the other kind of teaching in the sense it has only one main purpose that of correction of errors. Language games and communicative activities help a lot to learn the language interestingly. Pair work and group work should be encouraged where the students get opportunities to interact with their pairs without fear. Language lab helps the students to remedy the errors in pronunciation. These are the some of the remedies where the students could feel free in learning the language without fear and inhibitions.

The teachers have to develop all four linguistic capabilities (reading, writing, listening and speaking). The role of teacher at first is to identify and find out the needs of the individual learners. Then, the teacher has to find out effective strategies to be implemented to provide an active, interesting and interactive process of learning for the students with different levels of ability. Focusing on both intellectual and social goals, the teacher should figure out stages, roles, and problem-solving strategies that support student competence. Teachers should feel responsible for teaching; shaping; moulding; and motivating the students to learn English language. If English language teachers can make students feel successful and not give up their efforts in acquiring skills, there lies the success of teaching. The teacher’s responsibility is help to students to develop the skill in written.



To conclude, the mock interview with regard to Computational Intelligence is an activity conducted among Engineering & Technological students with higher officials as a practical teaching aid to create awareness and gain knowledge about the classifications of AI. The contrast between AI and Software Engineering reflects a dynamic blend of innovation and discipline, creativity, and precision. As we makeover through this intricate landscape, a holistic understanding of their overlaps and distinctions becomes crucial, mirroring the essence of Leonardo da Vinci’s saying, “Simplicity is the highest form of sophistication.” In addressing the scarcity, software Engineering is not limited to the industry but rather has applications and demand in multiple fields, by providing a wide range of options. To effectively navigate the job crisis AI and software engineering realms, individual and organisations must prioritise continuous learning and developing the necessary latest skills and to be updated about each and every newly emerging technology, is essential for maintaining relevance and adaptability in a rapidly changing professional environment.



IEEE – Author: Ipek Ozkaya with reference to S. Overmyer,  Jobs of the future: Emerging trends in artificial intelligence, Aug. 2022, [online] Available:  https:// artificial-intelligence-report

WEBSITE – Dzone: AI and software engineer differences Available: mp;url=https://

NDTU: Indian AI Engineer Devika Emerges to challenge Devi, The World First ‘AI Coder’. Available: https://www.

Cognition: Introducing Devin, the first AI Software Engineer. Available: https:// introducing-devin

The post A Mock Interview With Regard To Computational Intelligence: Decoding The Dichotomy appeared first on GRJ.

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Development Of Research Based Working Model For Neurotypical In The Era Of AI Influencing Contact Management Industry Sat, 28 Sep 2024 10:16:33 +0000 Research Objectives: This study aims to explore strategies to secure the jobs of neurodivergent employees within Contact Management (CM) industries, such as Business Process Outsourcing (BPOs) and Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPOs).   Keywords: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Contact Management (CM), Neurodiversity, Dry Promotion, Neurotypical (NT) Population, Job Security   Bio Dr. Amit Phillora is driven by […]

The post Development Of Research Based Working Model For Neurotypical In The Era Of AI Influencing Contact Management Industry appeared first on GRJ.

Research Objectives:

This study aims to explore strategies to secure the jobs of neurodivergent employees within Contact Management (CM) industries, such as Business Process Outsourcing (BPOs) and Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPOs).



Artificial Intelligence (AI), Contact Management (CM), Neurodiversity, Dry Promotion, Neurotypical (NT) Population, Job Security



Dr. Amit Phillora is driven by “Service Acumen, Operational Excellence, and Continuous Improvement.” With expertise in project management methodologies, psychometric analysis, recruitment analysis, yield ratio techniques, and escalation management, he excels in deriving optimal value. Trained in recruitment analysis and psychometric testing, Dr. Phillora specialises in emotional intelligence and has worked extensively in neurodiversity, neuromarketing, and breast cancer. His leadership, analytical, problem-solving, and communication skills, combined with the ability to network with stakeholders at all levels, have delivered extraordinary results. Recognised with multiple awards, including Pillars of India and the UN 75 Peace Award, he is also a member of InSc.



In 2024, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has increasingly taken over a significant portion of the workforce, leading to widespread job insecurity among employees. Major multinational corporations like Amazon, Google, and Microsoft have had to downsize, resulting in the loss of numerous jobs. This situation has created a heightened sense of anxiety, particularly among neurodivergent employees, such as those with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This study aims to explore strategies to secure the jobs of neurodivergent employees within Contact Management (CM) industries, such as Business Process Outsourcing (BPOs) and Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPOs). Specifically, the research will investigate whether dry promotions—promotions without a corresponding increase in pay—serve as a positive motivational factor for neurotypical employees by providing a sense of job security or if they contribute to negative motivation. To achieve this, the study will employ various psychometric tests to assess the personality traits, IQ levels, and emotional stability of neurodivergent employees. Understanding their current mental health status will be crucial in designing an AI-based recession strategy aimed at ensuring their job security in the evolving job market. This research hopes to contribute to the development of more inclusive workplace practices that support neurodivergent individuals in the face of AI-driven changes.



To understand how to work with neurodivergent population specially with Autistic and ADHD Employees we will first have to understand D.E.I model.

Diversity is the combination of unique skills, experience, perspective, and cultural backgrounds that make us who we are and ultimately benefits our global customers. It’s full range of visible and invisible identities, including but not limited to gender, race, status, race, ethnicity, nationality, physical and cognitive ability, sexual orientation, military status, education, age/generation, social class, language etc. individuals and groups are not one dimensional, and in fact are shaped in multiple and intersecting identities.

Equity is the fairness of access, opportunity, and advancement for all. Equity looks to identify and eliminate barriers that have prevented the full participation of some groups. It is also about ensuring that policies, practices, and systems provide all individuals access to the opportunities, resources, and recognition to be successful.

Inclusion is providing an environment where our employees feel valued, trusted, connected, and informed. It’s about recognising a d valuing the different lived experiences of our teams and leveraging their unique competencies and perspectives, so that everyone may experience ownership and empowerment.


Understanding basics of Neurodiversity

Neurodiversity is an idea that people experience and interact with world in different ways, and that differences are not viewed as defects. Neurodiversity is a term representing individuals who cognitively process differently than what society considers normal.

As per World Health Organisation (WHO):
  • 15 % of humanity is livIntroduction ing in disability.
  • Less than 12% of this group are included in diversity programs.

When we discuss or talk about an individual then it referred as Neuro-Divergent (ND) or Neuro-Typical (NT) or Atypical.

Let’s try to understand following different types of ND/NT who add to Neurodivergent populations:

  • Autism
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Dyslexia
  • Dysgraphia
  • Other Learning Disorders


History about Hiring NT Workforce

Hiring Autistic candidates’ movement was started in March 2013, when SAP, one of the global enterprise software and technical company announced its intention to have 1% of its workforce to be composed of Autistic Employees by end of year 2020. That was one of the reasons why hiring of autistic candidates got increased in the US. Even though the hiring of autistic candidates got increased, however, 85% of autistic populations still remained unemployed.

In 2019, a group of employers with established autism hiring programs published the Autism@WorkPlaybook, in which they noted the most critical factor for the success of an Autism@Work program was the ability to source talent.

It was observed and learnt that the traditional processes for recruiting autistic talent was not good and in addition to that the US Vocational Rehabilitation System (VRS) was not an open platform. The state VRS restricted employers from accessing the database and find NT candidates for hiring. This also restricted them to find and identify the type of disability the person might be having. It was further found that not every autistic or NT person was registered under VRS. Further being registered with State VR system, didn’t give assurance that neurodivergent/disabled graduates would be to find enough opportunities for filing vacant positions. Therefore, the agencies looking for Neurodivergent or autistic talents must be equipped with strong resources for finding out and identifying NT candidates.

In 2017, Marcia Scheiner. President and founder of Integrate Autism Employment Advisors developed guidelines called” An Employers Guide to Manage professionals on Autism Spectrum”, to address employers needs in supporting the existing autistic employees. This was the time when Autism@work programme was just launched, usually with small pilot groups and employers needed guidance on creating a supportive and inclusive workplace for their autistic colleagues.

In 1998, journalist and autism activist Harvey Blume introduced this concept in broader way when he wrote in The Atlantic, “ND may be every bit as crucial for human race as biodiversity is for life in general. Who can say what form of wiring prove best at any given moment?”


The Myth of Normal Brain
Figure 1
Figure 1
The Bell-Shaped Curve of a Normal Distribution

“Average, Standard & Normal” are part of a concept we are apply every day – from height to IQ, blood pressure & even cloth size – to make sense of the world around us.

When we try to describe human traits, the normal distribution predicts that about two thirds (68%) of the people in a sample will fall within the “average”, range, with fewer people represented at the extremes.


Random Sample Size = 1000 Average Score = 100 Expectancy for 680 People to have IQ Between = 85 – 115.

Fewer & fewer people will be represented as their IQ scores get further away from 100 in either direction.

Another example is of a women shoe store. If average shoe size is 7 then the shop would more like to keep more styles for shoe sizes ranging from size 5 to 9 and not of size 11 or above as rare large feet people would they get for selling and would know if larger feet come to their shop. In similar way its next to impossible to plot the complexity and variety of human cognitive & processing styles, yet in many ways society assumes that there is a standard or “typical” way of thinking & tends to accommodate the people who fall into that camp. Whereas there is no way of “normal” thinking, most of the people assume that others process information the same way they ever think of it at all. Due to this these brains work differently and can have significant barriers as well.



Judy Singer, Australian Sociologist & autism rights coined the word neurodiversity, which was a combination of neurological & diversity terms. It helped in articulating the needs of the autistic people and also helping them not to get labelled under disability but has now been seen as people who had different neurology

(Neurodiversity is a framework for understanding human brain function that recognizes the diversity of human cognition as a biological fact. The neurodiversity paradigm argues that diversity in human cognition is normal and that some conditions classified as mental disorders are differences and disabilities that are not necessarily pathological.)


The language of Neurominorities

In the context of work environment, there are few basic rules that can be applied to ensure the correct usage of the neurodivergent terminologies to communicate with Neurominorities or ND or NT workforce.

  1. ND, on standalone basis, is an idea that there is a biological difference in all human minds. It’s not the characteristics of one individual.
  2. Neurodivergent refers to neurological variations of a group, however some researchers advocate and uses the term for Neurodivergent individuals.
  3. Autistic and Neurodiverse or Neurodivergent are not interchangeable terms.:
  • An autistic individual is neurodivergent, but a Neurodivergent individual may or may not have autism.
  • The term Neurotypical (NT) refers to someone who is not neurodivergent. However, a person who is not autistic is not necessarily neurotypical as they may be neurodivergent in another way.

Figure 2


Why Should we hire Autistic Talent?

A Recruiter, hiring manager or Diversity and Inclusion professional is said to be successful when he or she can hire and retain talents in their companies. In the US, at the beginning of year 2020 the labour force recorded was 164 million, it was assumed that to fill any vacancy by hiring talent is an easy fix. Soon when covid 19, pandemic hit all of us, the unemployment rate in the US itself got jumped to 3.5%. Still employers adjusted and resumed hiring and finding right talent for their works, hiring became tougher and difficult in comparison to the past. However, a large number of talents got noticed in autistic community.

2Let’s understand that statistical data: Secondary Data

The Neurodivergent Job Candidate, Recruiting Autistic Professional by Marcia Schener and Joan Bogden, Chapter 2

In the US, one in every 54, 8 years old is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD): That is 1.85 % of Children population have ASD condition, whereas 5.4 million adults are estimated to be autistic. The employment condition of approximately 2.2% of Autistic population is not that good in comparison to other disable populations. By the time they hit their 20s, only 58% of these autistic population will have some form of earning income in comparison to other intellectual disable (74%), & 94% for those having learning disabilities. 35% of Autistic students who attended college are in bad economic status in comparison to their peer autistic people who never attended college. That’s how 85% of autistic population land into unemployment and under empowerment situations. Which makes a good number of autistic population available for employment.



What benefits do recruiters get by hiring a neurodivergent?

 Business Benefits

 Better Talent: A NT think different and have very creative way of problem solving.

 Increased productivity

 Lower Turnover

 Employee Engagement

 Brand Recognition

 3Tax Credits: Government programs targeted at encouraging employers to hire people with disabilities provide tax credits to small and large businesses at the federal and state levels. there is a concept of Disability Access Credit (DAC): which means that enterprises at federal levels who have earnings of $ 1 million or have ≥30 employees might be eligible for DAC. The amount can range between $ 250 to $ 10,000. All employers are eligible for Workforce Opportunity Tax Credit, which ranges from $1,100 to $ 9,600 per employee, which again depends on hiring of employee and length of employment.

 Economic4 Benefits Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) Vs Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Federal Financial Support Programs for individuals with disabilities For Every 1% of Autistic adult employed $222,000 (SSI, SNAP, and Medicaid) x (1% autistic adults)54,000 = $1.2B SNAP = Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

 Societal Benefits: J.K.Y Lai, E Rhee and Nicholas found that employment plays an important role in Mental health of people. It helps in issues related to suicide, depression and Anxiety happening due to unemployment. Studies shows Let’s try to understand how an Autistic Jobseeker is different from us Normal.


May also be eligible for SSI Medicaid: $3,000(Adult) to $20,000+(disabled)

Most hiring managers look for following qualities for their candidates:

• Strong Communication Skills,

• A “can-do” or Positive Attitude,

• Self – Awareness,

• Teamwork focus.

When interviewing the Autistic or NT candidate, it’s important to create inclusive and supportive environment. There are guidelines which needs to be considered while interviewing NT candidate, that unemployed people get 30% more negative emotional experience in comparison to a normal employed person, Autistic people are depended on their family for financial and other needs and live with aging parents. Financial independence helps them gaining self-esteem and confidence to live independently. 5History of Disability & Neurodiversity Hiring Initiatives: Timeline of Disability hiring programs few of them are listed below:

  • Disclosure of Autism or Neurodiversity: As a recruiter you must disclose to the candidate will be checked for Autism and other Learning Disabilities tests, during the job interview. It’s your personal decision based on your needs and comfort level. Please note that, Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), you only need to disclose a disability when requesting accommodations for the application or interview process.
  • Highlight Unique Skills: If it’s decided to disclose the Autism diagnosis, identify the unique skills that the person is bringing in with themselves. For example, mention, the ability to problem solving techniques blended with creative mind.
  • Practice interview Questions: Prepare for common interview questions. Some examples include:
    o Tell me about yourself.
    o What are your strengths and weaknesses?
    o Describe a problem you’ve solved in the past. o What is your dream job?
    o How do you work in a team? o What type of work environment do you thrive in?


Communication Guidelines:
  • Always be direct and upfront
  • Be calm and patient and give adequate time for responding back to your question, don’t rush for answers.
  • Encourage comfort and openness and support flexibility.
  • Be open for alternative interview modes or venue
  • Be observative and understand their body language and nonverbal cue.
  • If something is not clear or in doubt, stop and ask for clarification o Provide writing surface if required.

Seek Advice: Talk to professionals who know the individual well to determine the best interview approach. Consider interviewing in a familiar place with a familiar person present.

To understand more about hiring Autistic Candidates, Wales Autism Research Centre have designed Guidelines for hiring Autistic Individuals by Ben Winn.

Let’s try to understand differences in Neurotypical Thinking Understand that disability and Disorder are not the same thing there is a difference between the two. Based on, “medical model” autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is considered as Neurodevelopmental disorder. Clinical Psychologist or Psychiatrist use Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) as a reference to study mental disorders and classify them. We should be able to distinguish between development disorders like autism and psychiatric disorders. As a recruiter or hiring manager you must know that ASD is not a Mental illness, and it falls under the category of development disorder.

There is a difference between developmental disorder and psychiatric disorder. Developmental disorders are lifelong and cognitive based conditions that affects persons social interactions, and their challenges may vary as per the different life stages of their lives.

Whereas Psychiatric disorders are more of emotional based and not cognitive based conditions.

Disability is a legal term that the Americans with Disability Act 1990 (ADA) use to determine eligibility for accommodations at workplace. As per ADA, disability can be metal or physical which creates hinderance performing daily tasks, social engagement. Invisible disability like Autism, bipolar disorder, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, epiclesis etc are not obvious, so at the time of hiring employer may ask for medical documentations, so that disable employee can special accommodations at workplace.


Figure 4


Executive Functioning Skills (EFS) are set of cognitive skills that help us in getting our things done and regulates our behaviour. It also helps us in accomplishing our goals.

Executive Functioning Skills (EFS) are set of cognitive skills that help us in getting our things done and regulates our behaviour. It also helps us in accomplishing our goals.


A survey of 2,000 hiring managers conducted in 2018 confirms the impact of 1st impressions Following behavior was observed in interviewers:

  • 33% knew if they would hire a candidate or reject within 90 seconds of meeting them.
  • 65% did not hire a candidate who had poor eye contact with them,
  • 50% won’t consider the candidate’s dress sense, their body language or their odor or the way they opened or closed doors or the way they walked in.
  • 40% felt that if a person is not wearing a smile on their face, then it’s a good reason to not hire that applicant.
  • 40% would reject an applicant based on the quality of their voice and overall confidence. Like any candidate an NT must undergo Interview funnel and candidates need to pass through each level to avoid rejection and get recruited.



After a rigorous hiring process, when the hiring manager shortlists the selected candidates then they pitch an offer to the selected candidates, now it’s up to them to accept the offer or leave the job opportunity offered to them. For that it’s important to understand what Offer Acceptance Rate (OAR) is.


OAR = (Number of offers Accepted /Number of offers) X100

There are many reasons due to which a shortlisted candidate can turn down a job offer. according to a job seeking site called, top3 reason for declining a job opportunity are:

  • Better salary, perks & benefits.
  • Poor recruiting/interviewing experience, experienced by job applicant.
  • Poor or Negative image of employer.

Passing all gates when a Candidate enters inside an Organisation, then it becomes important for the Organisation to improve the retention ratios as recruitment and selection with training is a very expensive and tiring process.


Employee Retention Rate = [(Total # of Employees – # of Employees who left)/Total of # Employees)]


  • As per World Institutes ’2020 report, in 2019 major reason for increased attrition rates in companies were:
  • 20% People left because there was no Career Growth and poor Career Development in their existence companies.
  • Over Workload and poor increments resulted in poor work life balance, due to which 12% of the workforce left their existing companies and switched to different companies which provided better working environment and opportunities to balance personal and professional lives of employees.
  • Toxic work culture and bad managers created a situation which let to loss of another 12% of workforce.
  • The major reasons for Neurodivergent to leave was:
  • Bullying
  • Sensory Overload
  • Social Misunderstandings
  • The percentage of such is 78%, the report was made by work institutes.


Retention Rate can be improved, and Attrition rates can be brought down in NT working talent. All we must do is taking care of following points:

  • Maintain Supportive working environment.
  • Education & Training on sensitive topics like POSH, D.E.I, & Neurodiversity.
  • Generating Awareness about NT Workforce
  • Train and Make Neuro-Recruiters who specialise in hiring NT Workforce & candidates who specialise in Neuro Marketing.
  • Management Training
  • Manager Support System.


Artificial Intelligence (AI), Dry Promotion and NT Workforce Job Security

As per recent reports shared by CNN in one of their articles stated that AI is closely linked to major layoffs in IT sectors because the companies are investing a huge amount in Machine learning, automation and AI based technology. Tech Giants like Google, Microsoft, IBM had to let their people go as they have invested a good amount of time and many in developing and using AI based applications like Chat GPTs. Due to this drift the job security is reduced even for top IT or Tech experts. Now, when companies are struggling hard in balancing human workforce and AI based applications. It’s time to upscale the existing talent so that they are able survive in this AI based world. As per layoffs, about 212,294 were laid off from IT sector in year 2023 which was far more than the numbers of people got laid off in 2022 numbering 164,709. Microsoft after firing 10,000 employees and announced that they will be investing on AI based applications, Chat GPT etc. Nov 2023, Facebook laid off their 10,000 employees after cutting 11,000 positions. A software engineer who is trained in AI and ML gets 12% higher salary in comparisons to a normal software engineer. tech/ai-tech-layoffs/index.html

Now when we see retaining a normal workforce is getting difficult then how we will be able to retain NT workforce who have cognitive and psychological disorders.


Dry Promotions

As we know NT specifically Autistics people are creative minds, socially remains disconnected and focus on primary goals, due to sensory overloading and selective mutism. They can do one task at time. We know that companies are investing a lot in AI and ML due to with salary hikes are almost negligible, so what we can do is, instead of finding a new NT talent who is equipped with AI skills, why not promote the existing NT Individual by upskilling them in AI, ML and Automation skills. By using Dry Promotion, we can give them Power and Authorities with Job security with same increment or lesser increment in comparison to the increments which use to happen in past.

This will act as positive motivating factor as promotion in hierarchy will boost their moral and having equip to work with AI and ML will be another positive factor.


This will help:
  • Retention Rate in NT population
  • Opportunity for Trainers to train Neurotypicals
  • Cost saving in hiring and training new NT talents
  • Existing NT talents of the company will be able to learn in faster way and productivity rates will be get improved because they know how their companies work.


We have targeted Contact Management Industries which are composed of BPOs and KPOs. Contact management companies are companies which work on Contacts. Contacts that are generated by Customer, Clients, their employees. They could be through Emails, Phones and Chats.

E-commerce giants like Myntra, Amazon etc uses Chat bots and Auto bots in dealing with customers. Our aim is to retain NT techies who can design, modify and update the AI tools and make them more user friendly. Most of the NT techies are depended on AI for their day to day lives, like Active Noice Cancellation (ANC) headphones, Chat bots, Virtual mode of communication in comparison to physical mode. So, the understand the user interface better and their ideas and design proposals will help in AI applications development keeping Normal and NT populations in mind.


Literature Review

The study is very much inspired from the book “The Neurodivergent Job Candidate, Recruiting Autistic professional by Marcia Scheiner & Joan Bogden”. The explains about neurodiversity and autism. The author had explained about the challenges which were faced by hiring managers in hiring neurodivergent candidates and explain how to create a working model for working with neurotypical working professionals. The book helps in identifying differences between traditional resume review and atypical resume reviews.

A health writer Ariane Resnick had written an article with title “What Does It Mean to Be Neurodivergent?” for Websites well mind, where she had explained about neurodiversity. The Article has a live poll on Question: Do you identify as neurodivergent? The result of this poll on June 2,2024 at 13:36 IST is:


In The Neurodiversity Edge, renowned Oxford-trained cognitive scientist, neurodiversity expert, and business leader, Dr. Maureen Dunne presents a pioneering framework to harnessing the power of neurodiversity to navigate the most important human resources revolution in the modern era.

Cherry Gupta, wrote an article with title: “Dry promotion’: All about the appraisal trend offering higher designation without pay hike”, which got published in Online Newspaper:” The Indian Express”

Roberta Matuson had written an article on Here’s What You Should Do If You Receive A ‘Dry Promotion’. Here she tried to explain what reason is behind getting dry promotion. She touched on topics like are there is any benefit in accepting a dry promotion and does no money really means no money. The article came in online site of Forbes

To understand the terminology related psychology and mental health like disorders, disabilities, help was taken from Penguin dictionary of Psychology by Arthur S. Reber, Second Edition.

K Ashwathapa had explained concepts related to Managing benefits and Wellbeing, A Safe and Healthy Environment, Labour Laws were very well explained in his book, Human Resource Management.

Mike Byon wrote a book: Ultimate Psychometric Tests, in which there were more than 1000 Verbal, Numerical, Diagrammatic and Personality tests.

Udai Pareek in his book Organisation Behaviour and Process, had explained different concepts related to the Perceptual process, Interpersonal styles, Personal effectiveness,

What Does It Mean to Be Neurodivergent? ( article/lifestyle/workplace/ got-promoted-but-no-payraise-dry-promotions-appraisal-trend-9285951/ robertamatuson/2024/05/01/ what-is-dry-promotion/?sh=57b565b42a52

Leadership styles, work motivations, managing frustration, managing stress and burnouts etc.


Research Methodology

Sampling Methodology: Quota Sampling Target population: MNCs like, Accenture, Universities like APS, IGNOU. Industry type: Contact Management Age Group: 18 – 45 years



ASQ: Anything Above 26 is Autism ADHD: Anything above and equal to 55 is ADHD Sample Population: Autistic, ADHD. Country: India.

Psychometric Tests:

Emotional Intelligence Scale (EIS), Personal Style Inventory/Indicator (PSI). Neuro Divergent Tests: Autism Test for Adults, ADHD Test for Adults Sample Size: 13 NTs (Either Autistic or ADHD or Both)


Hypothesis Testing

Generally, organisations want to retain the employees to avoid unnecessary expenditure towards hiring and training new candidates. Amongst various performance parameters of an employees the most important parameters to the organisations are Overall Performance (Productivity) and Quality of work. For this hypothesis testing main logic used was to study actual scores awarded by the organisation on these two performance parameters for known NT population /Sample, work out the Average Score X Bar on both parameters and apply T Test on both the samples. Here we have assumed that Population Mean =100% Hence if X Bar is =100% we will assume that Organisation can accept the retention of NT employees else not.



First Set of Hypotheses. Productivity H0: Autistic and ADHD type of Neurodivergent individuals can be retained and be trained on new AI tools in an Organisation if Productivity X Bar=100%.)

H1 : Autistic and ADHD type of Neurodivergent individual cannot be retained in Organisation on new AI based working environment if Productivity X Bar≠100%.) Quality of Work

Neurodivergent Test | Free Am I Neurodivergent Quiz (

H0 : Autistic and ADHD type of Neurodivergent individuals can be retained and be trained on new AI tools in an Organisation if Quality X Bar=100%.)

›H1 : Autistic and ADHD type of Neurodivergent individual cannot be retained in Organisation on new AI based working environment if Quality X Bar≠100%.)


Sample Size of NT Population =13

Statistical Tool =Left tail T Test (T test was selected as the sample size was small) was used to calculate Critical Value. The average of marks (score) awarded to 13 individuals of the samples, by the organisations in Productivity and Quality of Work was checked against the critical vale of each parameter worked out based on One Tail T Test

Decision Rule: If average scores awarded by organisations on Productivity and Quality of work are more than Critical Value, statistically worked out by a T Test (T test was selected as the sample size was small) would mean that the organisation should not hesitate them to continue in the organisation. Proceedings of Hypotheses testing for Productivity and Quality of work

Table: 4

Steps Step 1 Productivity Quality Ho: Mean = 100 100 H1 : Mean≠ 100 100

Step 2

Data Sample size n 13 13 Population Mean 100 100 Estimator (x bar) 98.46 9.23 Sample SD 3.76 2.77 Population Infinite Infinite Confidence Level (CL) 0.95 0.95 Level of Significance (LOS) 0.05 0.05

Productivity: The Table 3 shows that 11 out of 13 NT employees have scored Cent percent, 100% in the assessment of their Productivity.

Quality of Work: The Table 3 shows that 12 out of 13 NT employees have scored Cent percent, 100% in their assessment of Quality of work.

Decision: Overall performance of these NT sample employees is X bar 98.46% More than CV of 98.14% in Productivity (98.46% > 98.14%) X bar 99.23% is More than CV of 98.63% in Quality of Work (99.23%>98.63%),

Hence, we can accept H0, that is, i.e. the organisation should not hesitate them to continue them in the organisation. Or They can be retained by the organisation, as they are meeting the performance standard set by them.


Second Set of Hypothesis
Dry Promotion.

The study also considered Dry promotion as the H0: Dry Promotion with adequate training is a very good option for improving retention rates. H2 : Dry Promotion is not a good option for improving retention rates for NT Population.


Dry Promotion

As discussed earlier in this paper it was opined or hypothesised that under the threat of AI conquering the contact management industries, that Dry Promotion and upskilling them in AI, ML and Automation skills, may give them sense of Power and Authorities with Job security. It was also felt that may act as positive motivating factor and at the same time benefit organisation for not incurring additional expenditure on ne hiring.

This hypothesis was primarily formulated to find the mind set of existing NT employees whether they are in favour or against on dry promotion concept.

Data Sample Size of NT Population =13 Statistical Tool = Counting Numbers of Employees in favour of Dry promotion and Numbers of Employees not in favour of Dry promotion. Decision Rule = If percentage of Employees in favour of Dry promotion (Y) is more than percentage of employees not in favour (N) then accept Ho.


Decision. As Percentage of employees Not in Favour of Dry Promotion (No) is more than Percentage of employees in Favour of Dry Promotion (Yes), We can does not accept H0,

Inference: The NT employees are not in favour of Dry Promotion as this will not give any financial benefits to them. The sample data shows that monetary benefits are more important than continuing in same organisations on dry promotions only. They rather prefer shifting to other organisations and face further struggle to improve financial status.


Further studies done

Apart from administrating ASQ and ADHD testing on NT sample employees, additional psychometric test on this sampled employee were also administered to study the associated traits from behavioural science or psychological aspect to help the researcher: –

(a) to find out strengths and weaknesses of the sample with an aim to build up favourable strategies and recommendation on NT population for the organisation to strengthen their HR to have win- win situation for not only retaining the NT Talent and suitably promoting them but at the same time for overall sustenance, development, and growth of the organisation.

(b) To generate some likely relationship between these/or some of these traits to have some idea of the NT Employee or normal employees in the presence of nondisclosure act for purely his understanding to help the individuals/ provide some more attentions. These Tests are discussed as follows:

EIS/ EQ: There are 10 Parameters on which the test is performed to find out EQ. The study of scores in each can also help us to find their strengths and weaknesses. They can be used for designing and developing training programme. Or putting them in suitable positions, where they can really excel and bring laurels to the organisation PSI. This test gives the Personality type. This can also help organisation to place them suitably. Apart from these out puts it may be possible to guess whether an employee may be an NT. If some correlation between these factors of EQ and PSI with NT, can be made, it will help the managers to correctly address the training and developmental needs of the employees. This may help him and guessing a person whether he may be NT or Not and take suitable corrective action to deploy him for best performance in the interest of organisation. This will help him against the act of nondisclosure also.

Challenges and Suggestions for Retention of NT Employees who are under the threat of Contact Management Industry, getting invaded by AI Technology.



However, when organisations are shifting towards complex AI Platforms, then even existing employees may need certain special training including NTs. It is felt that the expenditure incurred on training them will be definitely costing less than hiring new NTs as Organisations still will have to employ NT on social grounds/calls.


Limitation of the study

The non-disclosure act on NT, prohibits to access data bank of NT persons, hence large data sample from NT population could not be obtained. Study with large sample size (of at least normal Distribution (Sample size at least >30) could have given better outcomes particularly in case of Dry Promotion hypothesis.

No records could be accessed where any out outstanding work of NT Employees was recorded may be due to nondisclosure act. Hence no evidence could be generated to support the retention case for NT Employees.


Suggestions for further studies.

Industries specially Contact Management Organisations/ Industries may consider doing a in depths in house study on such matters for NT employees within the bounds of non-disclosure act as they have all the required information and wherewithal to generate better future for their talented NT employees and implement the finding after thorough study in the favour of NT Population.

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Facilitating Cyber Security In Contemporary Life Fri, 31 Mar 2023 06:13:19 +0000 Research Objectives This study aims to understand the reasons why cyber threats are faced in contemporary life. There is an endeavour to facilitate cyber security through recommendations. Keywords Cyber-attacks, Cyber security, Internet, Malware. Bio Prof. Dr. Parin Somani, Director: London Organisation of Skills Development, Independent Academic Scholar, TEDx Speaker, Educator, International Motivational speaker, Author, Writer, […]

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Research Objectives

This study aims to understand the reasons why cyber threats are faced in contemporary life. There is an endeavour to facilitate cyber security through recommendations.



Cyber-attacks, Cyber security, Internet, Malware.



Prof. Dr. Parin Somani, Director: London Organisation of Skills Development, Independent Academic Scholar, TEDx Speaker, Educator, International Motivational speaker, Author, Writer, Banker, Humanitarian, Philanthropist, Multi-International Award Winner. 8 Doctorate degrees recognised 5 times in World Book of Records, twice in India Book of Records, Asia Book of Records, Karnataka Book of Records and Golden Book of World Records. Helps global societies in Education, Women Empowerment, Youth Development. Travelled 117+ countries globally. Published 100+ educational papers, newspaper/magazine articles, 19 books, featured in 200+ videos, 300+ newspapers/ books. During COVID-19 she has educated 100,000+people globally, delivered research at Harvard University, invited by many states of Governors of India.



The use of technology within global societies has increased with the rapid rate of technological advancements in contemporary life. The Internet has successfully facilitated social connectedness and enhanced business opportunities in numerous ways. Our entire social and industrial history has been re-written and re-catalogued in over 25years. A vast number of the population has access to a smartphone, while most households have internet enabled devices. There is a growth in the digital revolution with many opportunities for economic growth, contributing to culture and wellbeing. However, with such rapid technological growth, there are digital concerns pertaining to individual and organisational risk, particularly when inputting and storing sensitive data. This study aims to understand the reasons why cyber threats are faced in contemporary life. There is an endeavour to facilitate cyber security through recommendations. A literature review is carried out within this study. Results have revealed the following reasons for cyber threats: Economy; Malware a business; Smaller  organisations without cyber insurance; Human error. This study has deduced that cyber security is a vital component of contemporary life that requires global societies to educate themselves as to limit cyber- threats and attacks. Criminals wait for opportunities through online-interaction and seek to exploit societal vulnerabilities. Being vigilant while raising cyber awareness and taking  responsibility is important. Therefore, it is essential for global societies to harbour a sense of cyber maturity and understand how digital technologies can cause harm. Preventative methods must be implemented to facilitate cyber security in contemporary life.



The use of technology within global societies has increased with the rapid rate of technological advancements in contemporary life (Somani, Information Technology Challenges Faced during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Higher Education, 2021). The Internet has successfully facilitated social connectedness and enhanced business opportunities in numerous ways. Through the internet individuals have been able to engage with family, friends, businesses, employers and employees, enabling the effecting functioning of societies (Somani, Progressing Organisational Behaviour towards a New Normal, 2021). The use of social media and interactive video conferencing software has been utilised to stay connected to each other globally. A few years ago, this was unimaginable, well maybe the closest we would experience would be related through watching science fiction films. The internet has connected us all in unimaginable ways. Our entire social and industrial history has been re-written and re-catalogued in over 25years. A vast number of the population has access to a smartphone, while most households have internet enabled devices.

Individuals have worked from home during the coronavirus (covid-19) pandemic creating a working from home culture (Somani, Managing Mental Health at Work during Periods of Uncertainty, 2022). Individuals can exchange messages, pictures and reminisce on memories through virtual exchange. Many now watch television, stream music, or listen to the radio from global destinations via online resources. More than two thirds of individuals also manage finances through online mediums by downloading mobile applications. During the pandemic online shopping became widely used as retail prices grew. Even many governmental initiatives require internet connectivity. There is a growth in the digital revolution with many opportunities for economic growth, contributing to culture and wellbeing. However, with such rapid technological growth, there are digital concerns pertaining to individual and organisational risk, particularly when inputting and storing sensitive data. Over the years there has been an increase in the global annual cost of cybercrime. In 2021 approximately $1.2 billion was lost by US financial institutions as a result of ransomware attacks (Lyngaas, 2022). This was more than a 200% rise in comparison to 2020. It is predicted that the annual cost of cybercrime globally will increase to more than $8 trillion in 2023 (Esentire, 2023). “Cyber security is the application of technologies, processes, and controls to protect systems, networks, programs, devices and data from cyber attacks” and requires instant attention in contemporary life. (IT, 2023).


Results and Discussion

The economy is facing a global recession due to events like the covid-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war. There is an energy crisis, inflation and a disruption of supply chains affecting global economies. The inflation has an impact upon the cost of the preventative measures to reduce cybercrime and an increase in remediation costs. In addition, the identification of talented individuals to consume employment positions is a reason for concern. The decisions pertaining to company budget is related to the rate of inflation, although it is not directly linked to the number of cyber-attacks. Nevertheless, there has been a reduction in the number of talented individuals being hired as technological organisations undergo hiring freezes (Bove, 2022). With a reduction in financial availability to safeguard companies and implement sufficient security or competent teams to protect the businesses, an increase in cybercrimes is anticipated. It is likely that the number of devices connected to the Internet of All Things will reach 15.1 billion globally and approximately 36% of people will be working remotely by the year 2025 (Flynn, 2022). There were approximately 1.5 billion cyber attacks on smart devices during the first half of 2021. Attackers stole sensitive data, build botnets or  cryptojack  devices and continues to grow very quickly.

The increase in hacking is creating a trend as they take advantage of global conflicts, including the Russia- Ukraine war and ulterior motives pertaining to politics. This can be demonstrated by the increase in the number of oil and mining organisations being targeted by environmental hacktivists. This can also be referred to as hacking for a cause and considered a mainstream force. Such events have been highlighted internationally through the 2.6 TB Panama papers leak (Gross, 2016) and the Democratic National Committee email hack (Barrett, 2018). Hacktivism has been proven as a weapon or online protest and can cause chaos leading to change. Malware: a business Ransomware has become a business and a means to earn financial benefits. Within global sectors numerous businesses, governmental and non-governmental organisations, individuals have all been subjected to ransomware. Access to powerful ransomware tools have become easier to access compared to previous years. Criminals can initiate cyber-attacks with limited technical skills and attain a substantial financial gain (Reed, Ransomware-as-a-Service Transforms Gangs Into Businesses, 2022). Through an investment of approximately $66, criminals can buy malware and ransomware (Reed, It’s Not Fair, But Cyber Crime Is Cheap, 2022). In addition, currently there are underground forums that supply users with free phishing kits. Data breaching globally has reached an average cost of $4.35 million with approximately 83% of attacks experiencing more than one breach (IBM, 2022). With the ease of obtaining malware services globally, there is a risk that cyber attacks are going to increase without significant intervention for protection. The most common form of data breach is stealing or compromising credentials (IBM, 2022). 19% comprised of stolen or compromised credentials, 16% comprised of Phishing, 15% was due to cloud misconfiguration, 13% was attributed to vulnerability in third party software, 9% resulted from physical security compromise, 8% wa
s due to a malicious insider, 7% was a system error, 6% was due to a business email compromise, 5% resulted from accidental data loss or lost device, and 3% was due to system engineering. Figure 1 illustrates that 98% of individuals have acted after detecting unauthorised access to devices or accounts and the action taken (Norton, 2021).

Smaller organisations Organisations that are smaller in size have been the target of cyber-crimes between 2020 and 2021 increasing by 150% (Jimenez, 2022). The reasons behind this are due to the fact that cyber security is weaker within smaller organisations, and stronger law enforcement responses are prevalent within larger organisations. Therefore, it is likely that organisations with less than one thousand employees will be targeted and attacked. Such organisations can include smaller businesses, governmental offices, local educational institutions, and police departments. As financial revenue is limited and budgets are tightened in contemporary life, it is likely that smaller organisations will be unable to afford cyber insurance which will leave them exposed with limited or no coverage. It is likely that new underwriting requirements will be necessary and there will be increased scrutiny of risk mitigation and security program maturity (Forrester, 2022). If cyber-attacks and breaches are successful, businesses will face immense financial pressure which may threaten future closures. It is highly likely that in 2023, there will be a rise in cyber attacks and the costs associated with it.


Human error

95% of cyber security issues have occurred due to human error. In 2023, it is predicted that the primary factor to promote cyber security threats is human error. Due to a lack of cyber security expertise and awareness, the cyber security of organisations has been compromised. . Human error contributing to cyber security threats comprises of a lack of attention or unintentional acts that result in data breaches. Such errors can include downloading infected software, creating a weak password, IP address compromises and not updating software as necessary to prevent viruses (News, 2022). When individuals learn that their devices have been accessed without authorisation, they tend to experience a variety of emotions. Figure 2 illustrates the emotions individuals felt after they found out about unauthorised access within the past year according to the World Economic Forum.



This study has deduced that cyber security is a vital component of contemporary life that requires global societies to educate themselves as to limit cyber- threats and attacks. Criminals wait for opportunities through online-interaction and seek to exploit societal vulnerabilities. Being vigilant while raising cyber awareness and taking responsibility is important. It is evident that cyber threats can affect organisations and individuals, they require societies to work together to be vigilant and raise awareness. It is important to take responsibility to ensure that security and success do not attract those in society that try to use this and change it to their own advantage by seeking personal profit. Cyber criminals wait for opportunities through interactions that occur online through which they seek to exploit societal vulnerabilities. Therefore, it is important for global societies in contemporary life to harbour a sense of cyber maturity to understand how digital technologies can cause harm.

Online fraud is a dominant crime being carried out within the contemporary world. Criminals have developed services using the internet for trade purposes, for example, professional technical experts can design software containing viruses that can infect internet connected devices. It is possible to receive phishing emails that appear to be from legitimate websites however they are in fact from illegitimate sources. The presence of malicious websites is also threatening, as devices are then infected with a malicious code through which cyber criminals can access data stored on devices remotely. Through this, access to sensitive bank details, the ability to steal data and commit fraud becomes prevalent. During the covid-19 pandemic global societies have seen a rise in assaults from criminals using technology to exploit the complexities and vulnerabilities of online presence. Cybercrime can also refer to cyberstalking, revenge porn, bullying, and child sexual exploitation. Risks of cyber-attacks can all be minimised by reducing vulnerabilities to protect ourselves. It is recommended to:

  • Set strong passwords which will make it difficult for hackers to access personal and sensitive information. It is not recommended to repeat passwords on different sites but instead change passwords regularly. This can be compared to putting more locks on the front doors of residential premises.
  • Individuals should only open trusted emails from people are known and disregard phishing emails without opening them.
  • Keep anti-virus protections updated comparing it to setting our alarms at home before leaving the house.
  • Use a full-service internet security suite, as individuals can be protected in real-time against emerging or existing malware. This can also include ransomware and viruses whilst protecting financial information.
  • Manage social media settings as this will keep personal and private information locked. Cyber criminals can see answers to security questions through social media posts like pet names and mother’s maiden name.
  • Strengthen the home network by using a strong encrypted password and a Virtual Private Network VPN. This ensures that everything leaving devices are encrypted.
  • Protection against identity theft is to ensure that individuals do not give out personal information on the internet or tell anyone their password. If individuals feel that they are a victim of identity theft, then it is recommended to contact associated companies and banks where the fraud has occurred. Place fraud alerts and get credit reports and report identity theft to a governing body like the FCT.

It is the duty of individuals, businesses, and organisations to take the appropriate steps to protect themselves and create awareness on cybercrime and implement appropriate strategies to enhance cyber security in contemporary life.



Barrett, B. (2018, 04 20). DNC Lawsuit Reveals Key Details About Devastating 2016 Hack. Retrieved from Wired:

Bove, T. (2022, 11 03). Silicon Valley is telling us something about the recession to come with a huge wave of layoffs and hiring freezes this week. Retrieved from Fortune: witter/

Esentire. (2023). 2022 Official Cybercrime Report. North America: Estentire.

Flynn, J. (2022, 10 16). 25 TRENDING REMOTE WORK STATISTICS [2023]: FACTS, TRENDS, AND PROJECTIONS. Retrieved from Zippa:

Forrester. (2022). Top Cybersecurity Threats In 2022. Cambridge, US: Forrester.

Gross, G. (2016, 04 05). The massive Panama Papers data leak explained. Retrieved from Computer World:

IBM. (2022). Cost of a data breach 2022. IBM.

IT. (2023). What is Cyber Security? Definition and Best Practices. Retrieved from itgovernance: https://www.itgovernance.-

Jimenez, N. (2022, 11 01). Cyber-attacks on small firms: The US economy’s ‘Achilles heel’? Retrieved from BBC: business-63260648

Lyngaas, S. (2022, 11 01). First on CNN: US banks report more than $1 billion in potential ransomware payments in 2021. Retrieved from CNN Politics: politics/us-banks-ransomware-payments-2021/index.html

News, E. (2022, 08 29). The role of human error in cybersecurity breach. Retrieved from Engineering News: :text=Human%20error%20in%20cybersecurity%20accounts,a nd%20not%20updating%20the%20software.

Norton. (2021). 2021 NORTON CYBER SAFETY INSIGHTS REPORT . Norton Tha Harris poll.

Reed, J. (2022, 03 15). It’s Not Fair, But Cyber Crime Is Cheap. Retrieved from Security Intelligence:

Reed, J. (2022, 11 09). Ransomware-as-a-Service Transforms Gangs Into Businesses. Retrieved from Security intelligence:

Somani, P. (2021). Information Technology Challenges Faced during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Higher Education. International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Technology, 106.

Somani, P. (2021). Progressing Organisational Behaviour towards a New Normal. Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Studies, 1628-1633.

Somani, P. (2022). Managing Mental Health at Work during Periods of Uncertainty. Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Studies, 1046-1052.

WEF. (2022). The Global Risks Report 2022. Switzerland: World Economic Forum.

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The Secrets of Barred Spiral Galaxies Wed, 02 Nov 2022 06:56:34 +0000 Article Details Download PDF Article Research Objectives All the stars in a galaxy have rotation and revolution. How do they get it? Galaxies are rather flat. Why? This research aims to understand facts of this theory on the evolution of the barred spiral galaxies. Keywords Galaxies, Stars, Black hole Bio Dr Abhishek Pandey has a […]

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Research Objectives

All the stars in a galaxy have rotation and revolution. How do they get it? Galaxies are rather flat. Why? This research aims to understand facts of this theory on the evolution of the barred spiral galaxies.



Galaxies, Stars, Black hole



Dr Abhishek Pandey has a MSc, Ph.D. (Educa-tion) honoris causa from Ballsbridge University, Dominica. Dr Abhishek Pandey is presently working on his dream project being founder President of Charles Walter’s Society for Innova-tion & Research managed by Charles Walter’s Council of Innovation & Research registered under the Company Act 2013, Section-8. Dr. Pandey is also appreciated by more than 100 universities across the globe and he’s more than 1000 awards from national and international benchmarks.



Black holes start their lives as big dead stars in the depth of the universe. As they move towards the outer universe they gather cosmic dust, asteroids, planets, eventually they get bigger. The gravitational force increases and continues this process for billions of years. When an asteroid enters the gravitational field of an ever-growing dead star, it is pulled in and gets smashed against the core’s surface, into fundamental particles. The gravitational pull has grown to such an extent, the protons and neutrons get packed into the core so tightly that electrons cannot penetrate the core’s surface to form atoms with the firmly embedded protons and neutrons of the core. All the stars in a galaxy have rotation and revolution. How do they get it? Galaxies are rather flat. Why? This research aims to understand facts of this theory on the evolution of the barred spiral galaxies. As the cores of the black sphere blast out the stars, huge quantity of atomic dust and gas are also released. These dust and gas clouds speed along with the stars, enter, and illuminate the Arms. The open end of the Arm presents its open end and gives these orbiting dust clouds and the stars a passageway into the space. The dust clouds and the stars enter the space and create the Spiral Arms. These atomic dust and gas particles reflect and scatter the light rays from the nearby stars.





What goes in should ultimately come out. Every black hole has consumed billions and billions of heavenly bodies. Hence, each and every black hole has enough material to form a galaxy of stars. In appropriate conditions it will spit out the maker that it once consumed. I take up this philosophy of star birth and want to explain the process step by step.

Though a black hole has enough material, it cannot by itself give birth to a star. A black hole could only consume. To release a star it needs outside help.

Fundamentally we can assume a black hole has—

  1. A core.
  2. A vacuum sphere around the core. Even a ray of light cannot escape from this sphere—that is why the sphere is black—a black hole.
  3. And negative charges surround the black sphere.

For a change let us take up the case of earth and moon. Moon revolves around the earth. During its revolution, when the orbiting moon comes near the earth, it carats the ocean and sea and causes high tides. Suppose the moon approaches the earth further, the tidal rise will be much higher. If the moon gets nearer and nearer the earth, following things will happen.

  1. At first the tidal waves will rise to great heights.
  2. Then there will be outrageous storms.
  3. Mountains will be uprooted and will take off the ground.
  4.  If the velocity of the flying mountains is sufficient then they will launch themselves into the space.

If such things could happen to the earth, what will be the outcome if the most powerful giants of the universe meet? The powerful giants are the black holes of the uni-verse. The meeting of the two giant black holes will trigger the birth of a galaxy.

Among the existing trillions and trillions of black holes, there are billions of chances for any two black holes to approach each other and hence there are chances of formation of billions of galaxies. We may now follow the interesting developments of such a black hole meeting another black hole.

In figure 1, two black holes are nearing each other.

In figures 2, 3 and 4, the black spheres of the two black holes, approach each other, and merge into one big black sphere. And the two cores, within this new black sphere, come closer and closer, and due to gravitational attraction between
them, they begin to revolve around each other.

Let us again go to our moon and earth story. Earth pulls the moon and the moon pulls the earth. There then develops a no gravitational area (gravitation free area) in the space in between the earth and the moon. In this specific area, the gravitational force of the earth and the force of gravitation of the moon are equal and cancel each other. This area is free from the pulls of the earth and the moon. However, due to the overall effect of the gravitational forces of the sun and other planets around the moon and earth, the gravitation free area, in between the moon and earth, is not perfectly formed.

As is in between the moon and the earth, there develops a (perfect) no gravitational area in between core A and core B of the two black hole cores that have come under one huge black sphere.

We are now to witness the initiation of the nature at its most beautiful form. In this universe every heavenly body however big or small it may be, has two move-ments – rotation and revolution. Core A and core B also have these movements. The cores A and B rotate, and they also revolve around each other. These two movements initiate the birth and growth of a galaxy.

Let us consider the Figure 5

Within the dark sphere there are two cores of the two black holes. These cores rotate and revolve. In between the cores A and B, there develops a bar of no gravity area. The bar is an area where the gravitational pull of core A is equaled or rather cancelled by the gravitational pull of core B. It is a gravity free area.

When core A and core B revolve around each other, the Bar in between them also rotates. When the cores make one complete revolution around each other, the Bar also makes one complete rotation as shown in Fig 6.


The length of the Bar is proportional to the diameter of the circular orbital path of the revolving core A and the core B.

Does the no gravity area end at the Bar level itself? It is not so. The no gravity area extends beyond both ends of the Bar and reaches to the outermost part of the black sphere. We call these extensions as Arms. These Arms grow broader at their end due to the decrease of the gravitational pull power of the cores A and B with the distance. The Arms are broadest as they reach the outer circumference of the black sphere. And also due to the absence of any gravitational pull at the Bar and Arms, a ray of light emerging from that area, could reach up into space. The light will also brighten the Bar and Arms.

Except for the Bar and Arms, the remaining parts of the black sphere are under the tremendous gravitational pull of the cores A and B. No light can escape from these parts and therefore these parts of the sphere are always dark and black.

Consider the figure 7. The Bar and Arms are straight

Now consider the figure 8

As the cores A and B revolve, the Bar in between them rotates. It should be noted that M1 and N1 are so many light years away from M and N respectively. As the stretch MN begins to move along with the bar, the impact of the movement of MN will be felt at M1N1aker millions of years only. This means, the full length of MM1 and NN1 will get stretched, as the stretch MN starts to move along with the Bar and M1N1 remains stationary for millions of years. The movement of MN and the stretching of MM1 and NN1 will be going on and on, until M1N1 also begins to move. This movement of M1N1 is going on and on, and secles at a speed at which the time taken by the stretch M1N1 to make one complete circle is exactly the time taken by the stretch MN for completing one full circle. At this stage the Arm secles to a constant length and slope. Though this explanation is satisfactory and serves the purpose, the same may be explained in another way also.

Consider the northern hemisphere of the black sphere. Actually, as core A advances in its orbital path, its enormous gravitational force is also moved forward along the complete length of the lek border of the straight Arm of this hemisphere. Gravitational force felt at any part of the lek side length of this Arm is proportional to its nearness to core A. That is, the gravitational pull exerted at the lowest part of the said Arm (the point of Arm joining the Bar) will be much greater and earlier than as at that part of the open-ended Arm which is further most from core A. That is, due to movement of core A on its orbital path, the consumption of light rays at the lower border of the lek side of this Arm is much earlier than at the open-ended straight Arm. In other words, the forward movement of the darkness at the lek border of the lowest part of this Arm is earlier than at the open-ended Arm. And due to the continuous forward movement of core A and subsequent forward movement of the darkness in the lower part of the Arm, the whole lek side of the said straight Arm, in due time, gets stretched and bent. That is, the lek side border of the straight No Gravity Area gets a sloping and bending.

In the meantime, the core B is also moving in its orbital path in the southern hemisphere and its gravitational force is also withdrawing (freeing the light rays to escape into the space) from the right-side border of the Arm of the northern hemisphere. Here also the rate of release of light rays, that is, the withdrawal of the darkness is earlier, at the points of nearness of the right-side border of the northern Arm to core B. That is, the withdrawal of the darkness is much earlier in the lower part of the right side of the Arm (of the northern hemisphere) than at that open end of the Arm. Thus, due to continuous advancement of the core A and comparative withdrawal of the core B, the visual bending of the lek side and right side of the Arm goes on and on, until M1N1 also makes visual moving and the time taken for making one complete revolution, by the open-ended Arm, the breadth of any part of the Arm and the Bar are the same. At this stage, the Arm secles to a constant slope and bending. For-mation of this gravitation free curving Arms are the SPACE HIGHWAYS laid for the nascent stars to pass from the black sphere into the space. These are PATHS OF LEAST RESISTANCE available for use by the stars in the black sphere. See figure 9. The complete system of the black sphere together with its cores, the Bar and the Arms functions as the axis of a galaxy.




The core A and the core B exhibit the most tremendous gravitational forces of the universe. If the cores come close enough, then they will pull and pluck each other.

Greatest pulling force is exhibited at the cores’ equatorial surfaces which are nearest to each other. At these nearest face to face (equatorial) surfaces of the cores, fissures set in, and huge chunks of macer are plucked and thrown out. These chunks are part of the black hole cores that have the highest density of macer in the universe. Any chunk of the size of a very big rock has enough compressed macer to format a new star.



Black holes start their lives as big dead stars in the depth of the universe. As they move towards the outer universe they gather cosmic dust, asteroids, planets etc., eventually they get bigger and bigger. Gravitational force increases. This process continues for billions and billions of years. And when an asteroid enters the gravitational field of an ever-growing dead star, it is pulled in and gets smashed against the core’s surface, into fundamental particles. The gravitational pull has grown to such an extent, the protons and neutrons get packed into the core so tightly that even the lek out electrons could not penetrate the core’s surface to form atoms with the firmly embedded protons and neutrons of the core. A stage is now being reached to name it as a black hole. With more and more consumption of heavenly bodies, including the stars, the densely packed core unleashes such a tremendous gravitational force that pulls in and consumes all kinds of radiation and even light rays surround-ing it. Thus, a permanent darkness descends around the core. It is now a black hole. We may now proceed to take up the case of an atom. It would be beneficial for further understanding the functions of a black hole.

We know that opposite charges attract each other. Electrons and protons which are of negative and positive charges of atom attract each other. But they do not get jammed in a pack. Electrons do not fall into the nucleus. Electrons just revolve around maintaining minimum distance from the nucleus. Suppose a stray electron gets inside a normal atom, that is, if an electron gets trapped in the space in between the nucleus and the orbiting electrons, then the positive charges of the protons of the atom pushes away or throws back or rather kicks out the stray electron outside the shell of orbiting electrons.

This means that any electron should scrupulously respect the sanctity of the space between the nucleus and the layers of orbiting electrons of an atom. An electron should not enter or try to reside in the prohibited space of the atom. Otherwise, it will be kicked out unceremoniously. The same applies to black holes also.

Let us now return to the big dead star which has turned into a deadly young black hole. Consider the similarities of an atom and a young black hole

  1. They have a core.
  2. They have electron layers/negative charges orbiting around the core.
  3. They have empty space in between the core and orbiting electron layers/negative charges.
  4. Their cores are compactly packed.

With all the above said similarities, it can be proclaimed that a black hole is the biggest atom in the universe. It is a space atom. As the atom as we know and the black hole, having the same concept, except for their size and power, they should exhibit the same characteristics.



The difficulty in understanding the formation of a galaxy is that our knowledge about a black hole is limited when compared to that of an atom, and that all the things that happens at the core of a black hole is under outer darkness. Fortunately, we have successfully assumed that a black hole and an atom are one and the same except for their size and power. So, the knowledge about an atom may be successfully utilized to unravel the activities in a black hole. It is a sure short cut. It is therefore, again and again, we must pass on referring to an atom. For example, if neutrons are fired at a uranium atom, they are trapped in the nuclei and the nuclei splits and breaks up releasing heat, light, radia-tion, and various forms of energy. If the breaking up of an atomic core having less than hundred protons could release so much energy, what will be the amount of energy released when a huge rock size junk of macer, having the mass of a star, is split and thrown out of core A or core B of the space atom? It will be equivalent to triggering trillions of nuclear bombs at the same time. When core A and core B in the black sphere are rotating and revolving near enough, there is a non-stop pulling and plucking of the most densely packed macer of the cores, and a string of boulders are thrown out from the cores’ equatorial surfaces. Breaking up of the cores of the black holes is a continuous process of triggering millions and millions of nuclear explosions at a nonstop stretch. Quantum of energy thus released is unimaginable.

Pandemonium prevails in the area in between the cores A and B. All kinds of radiation, energy, heat, light and atomic dust, unleash a reign of terror. It will be so hellish that the hell itself would be ashamed at the ferocious-ness of the black hole cores. And the boulders that are just thrown out from the cores of the black hole, get boiled up so much from the huge quantum of surrounding heat, they instantly turn into gaseous spheres of stars. This means that various sizes of stars are spiced out of the cores in a continuous stream and that those small sized junks that are thrown out of the cores are get formed as planets.

Having seen the birth of stars, we now must guide them safely from the prevailing pandemonium to the space outside, away from the dark – black sphere, for the formation of Spiral Arms of a galaxy. As of now, we are in need of bold imagination. I rather approach this part of the episode with humbleness, as I am aware of my poor scientific knowledge and still more poor power of expression. Before accepting this part, let us go to other fundamental characteristics of stars that help them in creating a revolving expanding galaxy.

Would you believe that the just born infant stars have already got their uniform movement of rotation and revolution? How could it be and when this happened? It is just their inborn ability or rather just their inheritance.


ROTATION: We know that core A and core B have rotation and revolution. Suppose core A is knife/split into two halves. Both halves will have the same rotation as that of their parent core A. Same thing happens when core A is cut into four pieces. This holds well even if the core is cut into dozen or thousand pieces. Each and every piece will rotate as the parent core had rotated. Rotational direction, rotational speed and the axis will be identical to core A. It is, therefore, a lump of macer that has come from or plucked out from the core, irrespective of its size, will have the same axis and same rotating speed and the same rotational direction as that of core A. Thus, the rotation of a young star is its inborn ability bequeathed from its parent care.


REVOLUTION: We know that the core A and the core B revolve around each other. Let us now halve the core A. Both halves will have the same revolution. If the core is cut into four, then all the four pieces will take up the same path of revolution as its parent core A.

This is true for every part, piece or any lump of macer taken out or split from the core. The star which is split and thrown out from the core has thus earned its revolution. It is just an inborn inheritance of the star, from its parent core A or core B.

Now, having got their rotation and revolution, the stars are ready for their escapade from the pandemonium. We know that nature has already laid a winding space highway. See Fig 9. It is the only available, gravity free, least resistance path of escape route. If all goes well, in the long run, it will turn out to be a well-de-signed galaxy. There is nothing to lose. With hope, faith and integrity let us start the trail.

We know that nothing could escape from a black hole. Its gravitational pull power is so tremendous. In the present case, there are two cores within one black sphere. With the total gravitational force of the twin cores, we cannot even dream of anything escaping from the black sphere. But, we routinely witness the open ended part of the arms of the black sphere, smoothly spraying out stars, to form Spiral Arms, with ease, and without any effort. With the continuous ejection of stream of stars, the galaxies are also expanding. Yes, the stars are born at the equatorial surface of the cores of the black holes of the black sphere, take off to the winding Arms, and get sprayed into the space and form the Spiral Arms. And atomic dust is also blasted off along with the stars to format the spiral dust lanes with stars therein. We will see all these things happen before the end of this narration. Surely, the stars are certainly not born at the dust lanes of the Spiral Arms.

Now, The Theory of Black Holes, with so huge a gravitational force and a monster in consuming, glaringly contradicts the effortless formation of galaxies with the smooth release of continuous stream of stars, escaping from the black sphere. We may, therefore, thoroughly check up the actual possi-bilities—for and against the galaxy formation.


5. Reasons AGAINST the formation of Galaxies

The combined gravita-tional force of the two cores of the black sphere is too much. There is no possibility for light, heat, any kind of radiation, any macer or a star, to escape from the black sphere. The Arms (the space highways) are having winding paths. Light, any particle, a lump of macer or a star, having no steering mechanism, could not navigate along the curve to reach out into the space.


6. Reasons FOR the formation of galaxies

Though the Arms have a curve, they move, the curved Arms move and revolve in a circle. And the stars that are thrown out from the cores have their very own revolving orbits. It is their inheritance. Both the Arms and the stars revolve in the same direction. It is a cure combination. We should combine the above facts and find a way for the escapade of the stars, along the space highway and into the space. Let us now again go to the fundamentals and further analyze the facts.

We know that core A and core B revolve around each other. The Arms which are in between them also revolve. The core A, the core B and the Arms take the same orbital direction, and take the same time to complete one revolution.

Now, consider a star plucked and thrown out of core A. As already been noted, the star inherits its revolving orbit and angular speed from its parent core A. Hence, the revolving direction and speed of the star, core A, the Arms, and core B are one and the same. We should keep this in mind and ever not forget this fact.

If the star is to get out of the black sphere, it should first get into the Arm i.e.,into the gravitation free space highway. But the angular speed of the star and the angular speed of the Arm, at the same orbit of the star, are being the same; the star could never reach out and catch the Arm. If only the star could increase its speed, it can surely enter the Arm 

—The Space Highway. Let us therefore consider all the available possibilities that could increase the speed of a newborn star which would guide it to the space high way. Due to tremendous mutual gravitational pull between them; the cores A and B; regularly spit out vast number of boulders (stars). The process is equivalent to triggering trillions and trillions of nuclear fission explosions. This means that the gravitational force in the space in between the cores is in continued state of disturbance. In other words, the gravitational force, in the space in between the cores is much lesser than the gravitational force in other parts of the black sphere. And this heavily disturbed gravitational force in between the cores further decreases gradually, and finally it is nullified at the Bar and Space Highway. Hence, a star travelling from the core to the space highway, gets a free flow of momentum, and with the decreasing gravitational force in its path, the star also increases its orbital heights.

Now, consider the plucking out the big rock size, most heavily compressed maker, from the core. It is slipping a part of the core of the biggest atom of the universe. This is fission in its greatest magnitude. This fission is equivalent to detonating trillions and trillions of nuclear bombs.

This is the greatest possible blast off that a star launch could expect. This huge initial push off momentum puts the boulder (star), to an incredible speed. Further, the enormous and continuous nuclear blasts at the star’s birthplace, heavily disturbs (rather nullifies or cuts off) the core’s gravitational forces at the place of blasts. It is like a temporary gravitational vacuum and hence, the huge take off speed of the boulder (star) from the core is not affected in any way. This take off speed of the boulder (star) is further aided by the decreasing gravitational forces along its path to the Arm. Thus, the star, with ever decreasing gravitational forces along its path, maintains its incredible seed, increases its orbital heights and catches up with the revolving Arm, which graciously bends itself to receive the star.

In addition to this, it may note that the nearest equatorial surfaces facing each other, of core A & core B continuously blast off huge junks of macer and release enormous amounts of dust, heat, light, radiation and also creates pressure waves of great magnitude. These pressure waves pass through dense dust medium and continuously push away the dust and stars from core A. This process of forming pressure waves continue without any break. Due to this everlasting continuous pressure waves, the stars and dust and gas race to the Arms. The Arms and the Bar are thus being flooded with these waves of dust and gas and light and radiation and stars and they become brighter than the Spiral Arms.

Now, consider the atomic blast that initiates the take off stage of the star.

The tremendous nuclear blast throws out a huge junk of macer (the star) from the core’s

surface. This is shown in figure 10. It is a horizontal cut of core A. The star has its own inborn orbit and inborn revolving speed inherited from its core A. See figure 11.

This inherited revolving orbit and angular speed of the star (figure 11) is combined with the huge momentum and tremendous initial blast off speed of the boulder (star) – figure 10. Resultant revolving orbit (R1) of the star is shown in figure 12.

The infant star exhibits one more inherited revolving orbit. That is, the star when ejected from the core, exhibits its inherited orbit along the rotational (equatorial) path of its parent core A. This inherited orbit along the core’s equatorial rotational path is shown (as horizontal cut of the core A) in figure 13.

At this stage, the star has two orbital paths. One orbit is along the rotation of the core A (Fig 13).

The other orbit is the resultant R1 as shown in Fig12 and Fig14. Both these orbits and the new resultant orbit R2 are shown in figure 15.

This resultant orbit R2 is much higher than R1. This R2 orbit gets further higher due to the decreasing gravitational force from core A up to the Arm of the black sphere. With this higher and higher revolving orbit, and its incredible speed, the star catches up with the Arm which graciously bends itself to receive the star. And the star successfully enters the gravity free space of the Arm. The R2 momentum of the star and its initial orbital path are however dependent on various factors – such as – the mass of the star (boulder) at its birth, the location of its birth at the equatorial surface of the core, the magnitude of the nuclear blast that launches the star, the angle of ejection from the equatorial surface etc. Hence, based on the above factors, the stars’ race to the Arm, are at various orbits, heights, speed, and momentum. The stars are therefore get sprayed at various speed, at various angles and at various places of the Arm or the Bar.

Coming up to the point, the star with its incredible speed and with the fresh resultant orbit R2 has acquired a higher revolving orbit and successfully out speeds the Arm and catches the space highway. There, the star is released from the gravitational forces of core A and core B. With the absence of the tremendous gravitational forces, the star further reaches out to much higher orbits. As long as the star is within the Arm’s breadth, it makes increasing higher orbits, to reach out to the outer circumference of the black sphere. This means that the star has now quietly enhanced its chances of going out of the black sphere, and to enter into the space.

In this connection we have to note that the bend, that is, the curve in the Arm, plays a very important role. If the Arm has no bend or curve and keeps itself as straight as in figure 7, then the infant star has to cover extra distance between the existing curve and the initial upright position of the Arm. See figure 16. The bend is a blessing.

It reduces the travelling time and distance of the star from the core to the bend in the Arm. It further plays a very brilliant solo act in discharging the star from the Arm to the space outside.

Let us watch the speedy star taking the orbital path R2, and reaching the Arm, in a series of sketches. Figure 17.1 to 17.8. The Arm and the star revolve in the same direction. The star revolves in higher and higher orbits.

Let us now consider the activities of a star that has entered the Arm. On entering the Arm, the star being freed from the tremendous gravitational pull of core A and core B, eases from its revolving orbit, and goes into higher orbits. As the gravitational force and its pull decreas-es along the star’s higher and higher orbits, the star enhances its orbital heights further and further. This is a continu-ous complimentary pro-cess.

We have now to make a detailed probe on some more facts to understand the complete activities of a star at the Arm.

Point No.1: The whole length and breadth of the Arm is not absolutely free from the gravitational forces of the cores. The breadth of any part of the Arm experiences a limited gravitational pull which is however not enough to catch and consume the light rays from the Arm. But the force is enough to enforce some gravitational pull on all materials that exist in the Arm’s area.

Point No.2: Consider the full lek side border of the Arm in the upper hemisphere. Gravitational force decreases starting from the lek border of the Arm up to the mid-section of the Arm where the gravity is nil. A star orbiting from the lek border of the Arm to the middle of the Arm experiences steep decrease in the gravitational pull from the cores and hence the star gradually and continuously increases its orbital heights. See Fig 18.1 to 18.3. Watch the orbiting star increasing its orbital heights in the Arm and reach to the outer border of the black sphere.

We have now come to the most important and most complicated final part of this episode. We have to approach this part with much elaboration.

Consider the case of the revolving Bar and Arm. The Bar revolves around the center of the black sphere. The angular speed of the Bar near the center of the black sphere is minimal. Now, at any height of its revolving path, the Bar or the Arm at that part, has to increase its speed, so that, that part of the Bar or the Arm at that orbital height, could be able to complete one full revolution, at the same period of time, along with any other part of the Bar or the Arm. Hence, at any given point or place in the Bar or the Arm, the angular speed at that point or place, is proportional to its distance from the center of the black sphere. That is, the angular speed of any part of the Arm increases in proportion to its distance away from the center of the black sphere.

Whereas, we had already seen that the stars are blasted out from the core with various angles and with various incredible individual speeds. Hence, any given star, irrespective of its placement anywhere, or at any orbit or at any height of the Arm, maintains its own constant incredible speed. The star needs not to keep up any appointment with that of the varying angular speed or the revolution of any part of the Arm. The star and the Arm have their own separate speedy ways. Hence, orbital positions of a star (in the Arm) will not affect its own constant incredible speed with that of the varying angular speeds of the Arm, at its different heights.

This difference between the star and the Arm, in their nature of their speed, at various heights of the Arm plays an important role in upping and pushing the star from the Arm to the space.

Let us now witness the wonderful journey of the stars starting from the inside of the Arm to the space outside the black sphere. We know that the stars with their incredible speed overtake the angular speed of the Arm and catch the Arm.

From there on, the stars enter a region of lesser and lesser gravity and hence steadily increase their orbital heights. 

We may now consider the sequence of activities of the stars inside the Arm that enables them to get into the space:

1. The star in the lesser gravity area of the Arm shoots out to higher orbits.
2. As the star shoots to higher orbits and rushes in its path, the Arm also revolves in its circular path. This means; as the star rushes in its orbital path, the Arm also revolves in the same direction, ever presenting and spreading out a part of its revolving space highway at the path of the star’s journey. It enables the star to continuously reach further and further heights.
3. As the star races towards the middle (no gravity area) of the Arm, the star’s orbital radius increases further and further and the orbital position gets closer and closer to the outer circum-ference of the black sphere. See figures 18.1, 18.2 & 18.3.

4. That is, the star’s posi-tion in the rotating Arm gets away and away from the center of the black sphere and gets nearer and nearer to the outer circumference of the black sphere.
5. That means, at those higher and higher positions of the star, the angular speed of the Arm at those higher positions, steadily increases.
6. The continued enhancement of the angular speed of the Arm at those increasing higher position enables that part/arc of the Arm to approach the constant speed of the star. And the Arm’s angular speed, near and above the open end of the Arm, gets greater than the constant speed of the star.
7. And the star in the Arm ever continues its upward drive without relenting its constant speed.
8. The incredible speed of the star will be of no use if the Arm does not have a bend or curve. If the Arm is as straight as in figure 7, then the open-ended part of the straight Arm with its high revolving angular speed will simply rotate away, leaving out the orbiting star at its orbital track in the Arm. The speeding – orbiting star will thus not have enough time to increase its full orbital heights and to complete its orbital race to reach the open-ended part of the Arm. However, the blessed bend of the Arm, makes a studied delay in presenting its open ended part, to the orbiting star, so that, the star gets enough flying space and time (with in the Arm) to complete its orbital race and breast the winning post of the open ended border of the Arm of the black sphere.

9. As the star races in its orbit and increases its orbital position and approaches the border, the open-ended Arm presents its open end to the orbiting star. The orbiting star contacts and crosses the border of the open-ended Arm and establishes its orbital position at the space outside the black sphere.
10. At that height, the constant speed of the star is not enough to keep up its position outside the black sphere and so the open-ended Arm rotates away from the space borne star/stars.

11. The star continues its race in its enhanced orbit in the space outside the black sphere and further increases its orbital heights due to lesser and lesser gravity in these enhanced heights.
12. As more and more stars are delivered continuously, a garland of stars—a space necklace is formed outside the black sphere. The string of stars with their individual constant speeds, maintain their ever-increasing orbital heights and display their orbital spirals inwards, pointing inwards spiraling into the black sphere and into its center – where they were born and had started their orbital journeys.

13. Stars that are blasted out; and that those of the stars having lesser speed; would take more millions of years to catch the Arm; to float in the Arm; to approach the open ended Arm; and to get to the space; than the stars that are blasted out with higher speeds which would overtake the slower elder stars; and will hence reach their destination in the Spiral Arm much earlier than their slow trailing seniors. There will therefore be old as well as young stars mixed in the Spiral Arm.

14. If at any point, the varying angular speeds at different heights of the revolving Arm could not cope up with the incredible speed of the star in the Arm, then the speedy star would cross the right-side border of the Arm and enter into the darkness of the black sphere.

15. If at any time, the constant speed of a star in its higher orbits could not cope up with the increasing angular speeds of the Arm at those higher orbits of the star, then that star will lose its orbital race in the Arm and will vanish into the advancing darkness from the lek side.

16. Thus, all the stars that are blasted out from the cores of the black sphere are not destined to enter into the space to make out the star-necklace.The black sphere with its black hole cores has thus effectively conceals its wonders in its blackness and in its total complexity. There will be much more awesome activities and wonders buried in its depth that have yet to be unraveled.



This is only an elementary description on the galaxy formation with simple diagrams – and needs further development – certainly not be me – my limitation safely ends here – and this is a case for further studies by Astrophysicists.

As the orbits of the stars get higher and higher, the REVOLVING EX-PANDING GALAXY is born. The stars with their various angular momentums and with their varying individual speeds move in various angular directions with various speeds. In other words, the stars in the Spiral Arm speed away from each other. All the thanks go to the ARM for bending its body to receive the stars from the cores of the black sphere and nudging them to the border of the open-ended Arm and spraying them into the space. Thus, every nook and corner of the revolving Arm is perfectly functional in the formation of a galaxy. THIS IS A MOST AWE-SOME FUNCTIONAL WONDER THAT THE NATURE COULD PRIDE ITSELF. The stars now trail in the space, leaving their birthplace – the black sphere with a cheering good bye to start a new life outside its parent black sphere.



We have seen the activi-ties at one Arm only. The activities at the other Arm of the black sphere are an exact mirror image of the Arm one. So, both the Arms spray out continuous stream of stars on both sides of the black sphere and a spiral galaxy with two Arms is born. Further, if the two cores of the black sphere exhibit clockwise and anti clockwise rotations, then the black sphere will spray out stars in one direction only, that is, the galaxy will have only one Spiral Arm.

As the cores of the black sphere blast out the stars, huge quantity of atomic dust and gas are also released. These dust and gas clouds speed along with the stars, enter and illuminate the Arms, experience the higher and higher orbital positions in the Arms and get to the very border of the open-ended Arm. The open end of the Arm presents its open end andgives these orbiting dust clouds and the stars a passageway into the space. The dust clouds and the stars enter the space and create the Spiral Arms. These atomic dust and gas particles reflect and scatter the light rays from the nearby stars. And the trailing arms, that is, the lanes of dust get illuminated and are seen as Spiral Arms from the space.



Gater, W. (2020). The Mysteries of the Universe . DK Children.

Hawking, S. (1989). A Brief History of Time. London, England: Bantam Books.

Kaku, M. (1996). Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey Through Parallel Universes,
Time Warps, and the Tenth Dimension . Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Marchant, J. (2020). The Human Cosmos : A Secret History of the Stars. Edinburgh:
Canongate books.

NASA. (2022, 01 05). Latest NASA News Releases. Retrieved from

Woodhouse, C. (2017). The Astrophotography Manual: A Practical and Scientific
Approach to Deep Sky Imaging. Focal Press.


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Machine Learning In Automobiles Tue, 01 Nov 2022 05:37:36 +0000 Research Objectives – Innovation in current practices in auto-mobile sector – How machine learning can enhance the applicability of the automobile sector   Keywords: Autonomous Vehicle, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning   Bio Academician, mentor, trainer and entrepreneur, MD port eight, Director strategic management, Mangalmay group of institutions, having strong credentials in rolling out […]

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Research Objectives

– Innovation in current practices in auto-mobile sector
– How machine learning can enhance the applicability of the automobile sector



Autonomous Vehicle, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning



Academician, mentor, trainer and entrepreneur, MD port eight, Director strategic management, Mangalmay group of institutions, having strong credentials in rolling out innovative teaching methodologies, working for automation of logistics by enabling technology based things.



Maximum manufacturing operations in automotive industries are none the less largely dependent on experience-based human choices. The emergence of huge information, alongside gadget learning in automotive organizations, has paved a manner this is assisting covey operational and commercial enterprise variations, thereby leading to an increased degree of accuracy in choice making and advanced overall performance.

The car industry keeps facing a dynamic set of demanding situations. Transferring market conditions, extended competition, globalization, price stress and vitality are main to an alternate in the marketplace landscape. Self-driving motors and changing usage fashions have heightened client expectations. It is pointless to mention that the automotive industry is getting ready to a revolution. One vicinity that has demonstrated an opportunity to supply substantial aggressive benefit is analytics. The car is getting transformed by means of technologies. AI and system learning algorithms have found a growing degree of applicability in this industry. The collaboration of big information analytics and device gaining knowledge of has boosted potential to system massive volumes of facts, thereby accelerating growth of AI structures. Gadget studying in automobile industry has an amazing capability to carry out hidden relationships among facts units and make predictions.


One of the most thrilling era breakthroughs inside the previous few years has been the upward push of deep studying. Ultra-modern deep mastering models are being widely deployed in academia and enterprise, across a spread of areas, from photo evaluation to herbal language processing. These models have grown from Fledgling research topics to mature strategies in real-global use.

The growing scale of records, computational Strength and the associated algorithmic improvements are the main drivers for the development we see in this field. Those traits actually have a huge potential for the automobile industry and therefore the hobby in deep Mastering-based technology is growing. Lots of the product improvements, inclusive of self-using motors, parking and Lane-alternate assist or protection functions, which includes autonomous emergency braking, are powered by deep studying Algorithms. Deep mastering is poised to provide profits in overall performance and functionality for maximum ADAS (advanced driver assistance machine) solutions. Virtual sensing for automobile dynamics software, vehicle Inspection/heath tracking, automatic riding and records-driven product development are key regions which might be anticipated to get the most attention. This text gives an overview of the recent advances and some related challenges in deep learning techniques in the context of automobile packages.

Statement of the problem: Autonomous vehicle test and development

A self-driving automobile, additionally known as an self-sufficient automobile (AV), related and autonomous car (CAV), driverless vehicle, robo-vehicle, or robotic automobile, is a car this is capable of sensing its surroundings and moving effectively with little or no human enter. Self-using cars combine a selection of sensors to perceive their environment, such as radar, lidar, sonar, GPS, odometry and inertial measurement gadgets. Advanced control systems interpret sensory data to identify suitable navigation paths, as well as limitations and applicable signage. Long-distance trucking is visible as being at the leading edge of adopting and enforcing the generation.

Purpose: Deep learning in Automobiles

From voice assistants to self-riding automobiles, deep studying (DL) Is redefining the manner we engage with machines. DL has been Capable of reap breakthroughs in historically hard areas Of machine gaining knowledge of along with textual content-to-speech conversion, Image category, and speech reputation. DL commonly Refers to a category of models and algorithms primarily based on deep Artificial neural networks (ANN). Perceptron, the building Block of an ANN was first presented within the Fifties. ANNs had been a chief area of research in each neuroscience and laptop science till the late 1960s and the approach Then enjoyed a resurgence in the mid-1980s. At Bell Labs, Yann Le-Cun developed several DL algorithms within the Past due Eighties, together with the convolutional neural network (CNN). Pioneering deep neural networks via Yann Le-Cun ought to classify handwritten digits with properly speed and Accuracy and have been extensively deployed to read over 10% of all the cheques inside the U.S. inside the late 1990s and early 2000s. Even though the primary theories associated with ANN have existed because Nineteen Fifties, the field of DL has matured loads in the ultimate Decade and changed loads in the previous few years. The “deep” in Deep studying is not a connection with any kind of deeper Information accomplished through the approach; as a substitute, it stands for the many layers inside the neural community that contribute to a Version of the records.

There are 4 key factors that are riding the development and uptake of DL.

  1. Extra Compute energy: e.g., Photographs processing unit (GPUs), tensor processing unit (TPUs) and so on.
  2. Prepared large Datasets: e.g., Image Net and so forth.
  3. Higher Algorithms: e.g., Activation features like RELU, optimization schemes and so forth.
  4. Software & Infrastructure: e.g. Git, robot operating System (ROS) , Tensor Flow [9], karas and so on.

Figure 1

Significance of the study: Perception systems for object detection

The belief system of a self-reliant car is answerable for mapping sensor observations into a semantic Description of the automobile’s surroundings. 3D item detects a common feature inside this gadget and outputs a listing of 3-D bounding boxes around gadgets of interest. Diverse 3-D Object detection techniques have depended on fusion of different Sensor modalities to conquer barriers of person sensors. However, occlusion, limited subject-of-view and low-factor density of the sensor facts cannot be reliably and value-correctly addressed through multi-modal sensing from a single factor of view. Alternatively, Cooperative belief carries information from spatially various sensors distributed across the surroundings as a manner to mitigate those obstacles. This paper proposes two schemes for cooperative three-D item detection. The early fusion scheme combines point clouds from a couple of spatially diverse sensing factors of view before detection.

In assessment, the late fusion scheme fuses the independently envisioned bounding boxes from more than one spatially diverse sensors. We evaluate the performance of each schemes using an artificial cooperative dataset created in two complicated using scenarios, a T-junction and a roundabout. The evaluation show that the early fusion approach outperforms overdue fusion via a good-sizedmargin at the fee of better communication bandwidth. The outcomes demonstrate that cooperative belief can consider greater than ninety-five% of the items as antagonistic to 30% for unmarried-point sensing within the maximum challenging scenario to offer practical insights into the deployment of such device, we document how the variety of sensors and their configuration impact the detection overall performance of the device.


Motion planning system

ARIA is an item-oriented automobile control utility that has a programming library (SDK) for C++ programmers who need to access their P3-DX platform and add-ons. However, the automobile firmware does no longer carry out any high-level robotic responsibilities. As an alternative, it’s miles the activity of an clever purchaser walking on a connected pc to carry out this utility-level robotic control techniques and obligations, such as impediment detection and avoidance, localization, mapping, clever navigation and digicam manipulate. Indoor movement making plans of mobile robot deals with the troubles of localization, route making plans and the movement manage hows the motion making plans system used in this observe. Localization is the willpower of the positions of mobile robotic, boundaries and the target. Normally positions are given via a user or recognized by way of a digital camera. In the case of actual-time and dynamic working, consisting of moving obstacles or goals are used inside the environment, localization via a digital camera ought to be favored.

Because actual-time and dynamic packages are made in this study, a digital camera and photo processing techniques are used for localization. The digital camera is installed on the ceiling and it sends the actual-time pix of the surroundings to a pc. Each item is labeled with a extraordinary coloration on it; inexperienced for the boundaries, blue for the goal and yellow for the mobile robotic. So as to decide the heading angle of the mobile robotic, it’s also categorized with a purple color. Course of the road that connects the centers of yellow and purple colored circles at the robotic equals to the heading attitude of it.

Figure 2

Photograph processing program going for walks on the pc, which is written in MATLAB, takes the immediately pix from the digicam. The program determines the coordinates of each item which has a coloration extraordinary from the bottom color, as proven within the higher proper photograph of the figure. Coordinate willpower is a complex hassle, due to the fact the real environment and its picture do not overlap because of the path of the digital camera. Therefore, coordinate transformation must be done with the aid of the usage of corner coordinates of the real surroundings and the photo. At the closing, photo processing software suits the coordinates of colours with a grid based totally map, as proven at the lower proper picture. On this way, localization is found out and the map is produced. The second one step of the motion making plans device is to send the map to the path planning technique. On this have a look at, genetic set of rules is used to decide the route which mobile robotic goes via it. Course planning with the genetic set of rules is explained in detail inside the following phase. Within the last step, with the intention to manipulate the robot platform, a patron software, which is written in MATLAB, sends command packets thru the robotic connection. This may be finished the use of direct instructions. Direct commands encompass -byte packet header, one-byte byte count, one-byte command wide variety, one-byte argument type, n-byte argument and two-byte checksum, as described by way of the robotics’ running machine ARCOS. The direct command technique lets in sending any unusual or unique command immediately to the robot platform, without any intervening processing.

Figure 3

Path planning and optimization

Path making plans is a totally important task for the self sustaining cell robotic. It is desired to discover a collision-loose motion in an obstacle inclined environment that allows you to navigate properly from the begin configuration to the aim configuration.

In lots of static and dynamic environments, cellular robots are more and more being hired. Typically, there are numerous possible paths for a robot to attain the goal from the begin region,

however in situation, the first rate feasible route is decided on in line with some guiding principle such as shortest distance, smoothness of the route, minimum energy consumption and many others. Or the most followed standards are the shortest distance with the minimal possible time.

The path planning may be categorized into folds:

  1. Neighborhood direction making plans and,
  2. Worldwide direction making plans.

In neighborhood route making plans strategy, the robot has a restrained know-how (both in part-recognized or unknown) approximately the navigational environment. But, in worldwide course planning, the robotic has entire understanding approximately the navigational environment and thereby robotic can attain the goal by using following a predefined direction. However, worldwide direction planning techniques display constrained applications due to much less robustness in terrain uncertainty whereas, nearby route making plans techniques show greater flexibilities in partially known/unknown environments and presents an optimized course. It could be in addition categorized as classical technique and heuristic method (synthetic Intelligence method). The uses of cell robotic path making plans/arranging are included into restorative and surgical makes use of, person assist, safety, stockroom and movement packages, and moreover ocean and area investigation, robotized guided vehicles for shifting products in a plant, unmanned bomb switch robots, and planet investigation robots.


Addressing the Policy Issues Associated with Automated Driving Systems (ADS)

The convergence of records and communication technology (ICT) with automotive technology has already led to automation features in road vehicles and this fashion is expected to continue within the destiny owing to client call for, losing costs of additives, and stepped forward reliability. Even as the automation capabilities that have taken place thus far are specially in the form of data and driver warning technologies (labeled as level I pre-2010), destiny trends within the medium time period (level II 2010–2025)are anticipated to exhibit connected cognitive car features and embody increasing degree of automation inside the shape of advanced driving force assistance systems. Although autonomous automobiles were developed for research functions and are being tested in managed riding missions, the independent using case is most effective a long term (degree III 2025 +) state of affairs. It’s on technological forecasts regarding automation, coverage challenges for each level of era improvement and alertness context, and the important device of fee-effectiveness for coverage analysis which enables policy choices at the automation systems to be assessed in a regular and balanced way. The fee of a machine in keeping with car is considered against its effectiveness in meeting policy objectives of enhancing safety, performance, mobility, convenience and lowering environmental results. Instance programs are supplied that illustrate the contribution of the technique in supplying facts for helping coverage selections. Given the uncertainties in device costs in addition to effectiveness, the device for assessing policies for destiny generation features probabilistic and utility-theoretic analysis capability. The coverage problems described and the evaluation framework permit the decision of policy challenges while allowing worth revolutionary automation in driving to enhance future road transportation.

Figure 4

In recent years, fast trends in automobile technology have positioned public coverage in the capture-up mode. Advances in records and verbal exchange generation (ICT) have enabled the profession to go beyond the unique motive of the smart auto-mobile and toll road ma-chine (IVHS) initiative of many a long time ago and now we’re within the technology of developing era for related cognitive cars. Further, experimental independent vehicle era has these days been tested efficaciously. The development and the scenario of huge-unfold applications of more and more automated vehicles in public street networks pose coverage demanding situations. Despite the fact that an economically possible self-sustaining vehicle is not possibly to be within the marketplace for decades, self-sufficient using as a public coverage problem has already emerged.


Legal issues surrounding cyber security and privacy

Cyber security and facts safety are buzzwords in the meanwhile and for top motive. Banks and different financial establishments face constantly evolving cyber threats. The nature of the threat and the means through which cyber attacks are perpetrated are developing ever more sophisticated and the capacity fallout from a main cyber protection breach may be big.

The branch for business and skills’ 2015 statistics protection Breaches survey observed that ninety percent of large firms had suffered a safety breach in the previous 12 months. The average price of the worst unmarried breach suffered by way of a big agency changed into a watch-watering £1.46m to £three.14m. Statistics protection breaches bring about loss of patron agree with, that can have an immediate impact on sales. However, the fees of a security breach will even include enterprise disruption costs, compensation bills and regulatory fines.

The survey also observed that the character of cyber attacks experienced by using establishments has shifted, with a decreased number of denial of service assaults and a growth in attacks regarding malicious software. Possibly especially with the developing awareness of cyber security risks, inadvertent human error turned into mentioned because the principal cause of the worst security breaches, up to 50 percentage from 31 percentage in the preceding year.

Felony requirements with regards to cyber protection in the U.K rise up commonly from the statistics safety Act 1998, which requires organizations to take “appropriate technical and organizational measures” to guard non-public facts from unauthorized get admission to, damage, loss or disclosure. Such measures need to ensure a degree of protection that is suitable, considering the harm that may be precipitated to people in the event of a facts security breach and the character of the information. While determining which safety features to install area, the Act in addition specifies that companies ought to keep in mind the kingdom of technological improvement and the fees of enforcing the measures.


Human factors of automated driving systems

Automated riding can essentially exchange road transportation and improve nice of existence. However, at gift, the function of humans in automated automobiles (AVs) isn’t always honestly established. Interviews had been conducted in April and might 2015 with twelve professional researchers inside the discipline of Human elements (HF) of computerized using to identify commonalities and exclusive views regarding HF challenges within the improvement of AVs. The experts indicated that an AV as much as SAE degree four have to tell its driver about the AV’s abilities and operational repute and ensure safety whilst converting between automated and manual modes. HF research should mainly address interactions between AVs, human drivers, and susceptible road users. Moreover, motive force education packages may additionally need to be modified to make sure that human beings are capable of the use of AVs. Subsequently, a mirrored image on the interviews is furnished, showing discordance among the interviewees’ statements—which seem like consistent with an extended records of work on human factors studies, and the speedy improvement of automation era. We count on our angle to be instrumental for stakeholders worried in AV improvement and instructive to other parties. Automated using should essentially change road transportation and improve first rate of lifestyles. But, the position of the human driver inside the computerized automobile isn’t always yet without a doubt established. This work affords the results of an interview examine among 12 HF scientists worried in automated driving studies. A consensus become revealed many of the researchers regarding the HF demanding situations that need to be resolved previous to the deployment of AVs on public roads. Such demanding situations consist of the synergy among the human driving force and automation, capacity changes in driving behaviour due to automation, and the form of records that the human drivers will be receiving from the automatic riding device. Alternatively, a disparity was recognized between the researchers’ concerns regarding the AVs improvement and deployment and the AVs technological advances: even though the researchers expressed that AVs should no longer be delivered except proven secure, reality indicates that enterprise is now near the advent of level three and stage 4 AVs on public roads.

Figure 5

Autonomous Vehicle Applications

Automatic cars are an increasing number of present in modern-day society. Already, prototype motors had been automatic and judged dependable enough to force autonomously under widespread using situations. Beyond motors, there is a range of motors suitable for automation and throughout vehicle type there are not unusual hints recognized to standardize the procedure of making an autonomous car. In this text we overview what the commonplace elements are and illustrate with a few examples of automated floor vehicles developed with Freelance Robotics Pty Ltd.


Automatic motors

The DARPA urban project did provide an incentive in the quest towards a totally computerized vehicle. DARPA has been at once related to a success development of independent motors via many studies college groups in addition to private sector. Industrial availability of a completely automat zed car seems to be just around the corner. The remaining hurdles to business cognizance may be the important updates to road safety laws and, possibly greater tough to define, the overcoming of individual and network fears to accept as true with inside the wheels of an automated device on our roads. However, checks on present auto-mated vehicles are proving their reliability, with looking at outcomes higher than human judgments made on the road. Inside the cutting-edge marketplace, hooked up car agencies upload autonomous parts while they comply with the regulation. Common-place examples of this emergence of automation in industrial cars encompass automated parking, computerized correction of the automobile’s trajectory if the driving force crosses a continuous line, and alerts sounding to warn while other vehicles get too close.

Car automation in different fields

The enterprise of vehicle automation is a whole lot broader than business vehicle automation. Freelance Robotics has worked on automation throughout many types of motors. As an example, we’ve evolved automation components for farming cars together with irrigators, tractors, and buggies, mining automobiles inclusive of drilling rigs, and also industrial vehicles like forklifts and car crash checking out automobiles. Civil engineering is an extra place of utility, with a success robots having been evolved for pipes inspection. Within the wider context of the automatic marketplace, those applications are only a few examples. Given the ability range and utility of applications, automatic vehicles include a clear increase marketplace.


Landmark help in nearby positioning structures

Any other tool for automated car localization is the usage of landmarks. Landmarks can be natural or artificially delivered to the automobile’s environment.Whilst herbal, the vehicle identifies shapes which might be purported to be there, along with bushes, limitations, posts, et cetera normally herbal landmarks can be complicated to pick out, reducing machine reliability. For example, a tree can alternate form, or boundaries appear exceptional from distinctive angles. In evaluation, artificial landmarks provide a clean, steady way for the automated vehicle to become aware of its function. Examples of appropriate artificial landmarks encompass reflectors, RF IDS, bar codes, traces on the floor, panels with geometric shapes and colors, lighting, Wi-Fi, or IR beacons. When the automobile has correctly recognized positioning thru landmarks, it is able to update and music its position over time. In this way, dependable correction of positioning on its map turns into possible when the vehicle is a) in motion or b) moved in regarded surroundings.



New era cars have severe tendencies and car brands are in opposition. Due to this opposition, sensible motive force assistance systems are playing a key role at the same time as automobile enterprise is being more automated. Research shows that finding a solution to parallel parking is one of the maximum wanted enhancements for drivers. Because parking is a very difficult subject matter for novice drivers. In crowded cities this problem is getting larger due to the fact number of the automobile is increasing every day. [1] The purpose of the park assistant system is to assist the drivers have more fun and more efficient riding stories. Additionally, some other intention is decreasing damages for the duration of the parking operation. Parking damages have very horrific effect on international’s economic system. Due to the fact international locations and coverage organizations can pay cash for easy parking damages and proprietors of the cars’ sell their motors below its value due to harm records. Systems need ultrasonic sensors that placed on the corners of the automobile. These sensors wanted now not only for doing parking moves, however additionally scanning the park area. There are a few problems about ultrasonic sensors. For instance, thin objects are now not seen through these sensors and some environmental adjustments as temperature, pressure, humidity, air turbulence, airborne particles and so on. Effect on ultrasonic reaction. Despite those risks ultrasonic sensors are the most suitable sensor for these systems.

In this paper, we have discussed about machine learning in automobiles. This paper discussed about autonomous vehicle test and development, deep learning in Automobiles. In this paper we discussed about legal issues surrounding cyber security and privacy and autonomous Vehicle Applications also.



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